Baby Penguins

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Baby Penguin
Release date: Throughout 2023
Available from: Habbo Competitions

The Baby Penguin items are a range of furniture that were obtained by taking part or winning Habbo competitions throughout 2023, similar to previous competition furni including the Anteaters (2022), Capybara (2021), Seals (2020), Pandas (2019), Tortoises (2018), Hedgehogs (2017), Sloths (2016) and Hippos (2015).


Name Image Release Date How to Obtain
Ruby Baby Penguin January Hanshan Temple - Year of the Rabbit
Trippy Baby Penguin January Various NFT events and competitions throughout the year
Obsidian Baby Penguin February Valentine's Day Gift Community Challenge
Tan Baby Penguin
Citrine Baby Penguin
Amethyst Baby Penguin
Turquoise Baby Penguin
Emerald Baby Penguin June Repeatable prize for being on the winning team during University New Beginnings campaign
Jade Baby Penguin November Completing the 3 crafting quests during the Habbo Constellations campaign
Aquamarine Baby Penguin
Sapphire Baby Penguin October Given to the winners of the 'Ancient Egyptian' Room Building Competition[1]
Pearl Baby Penguin
Tanzanite Baby Penguin
Jasper Baby Penguin
Rhodochrosite Baby Penguin October 'Recycle Your Clothing' Competition[2]
Total Baby Penguins 15