Bots are automated characters within Habbo hotel that resemble Habbos. They can often be found in official public rooms and in user's rooms as purchasable Bots. Bots are often programmed with set answers to phrases that a user says. An old feature allowed new users to summon a GuideBot to their room, this would give advice and tutorials about Habbo.
Public Room Bots
Bots have been integral to the Habbo experience since the creation of public rooms in the early years of the hotel. They were present in all hotels, speaking the respective languages. Many of these have now gone, along with their public room home. Asking each Bot for a drink of a certain type would have them give you the item.

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Welcome Lounge
- Motto: Welcome to our Hotel!
- Sayings:
- Please keep it down people are trying to think!
- Only use the Call for help in an emergency!
- Want to know more about Habbo Hotel? Ask a Habbo X!
- Is it me or is something BIG about to happen?
- In Trouble? Call for Moderator assistance using the Blue Question Mark!
- There's no such thing as a free lunch or free credits!
- Responses: (Hello Harry)
- Why Hello there! *Shakes Habbo Hand* My name's Harry.
- Hello, Hello, Hello!
- Hello and welcome to Habbo Hotel! Enjoy your stay! :)
- Hand Item: Unknown

- Status Discontinued
- Public Room: Cinema
- Motto: Man of Talent
- Sayings:
- If you hear a funny noise, it's just Sid the sloth - he loves to sing!
- No ordinary drink for no ordinary Habbo
- Stressed out? The Ice House cinema's the best place to chill out.
- Come on - you don't need Dutch courage
- We've got the coolest DVD playing this week - check it out!
- Wow! You have a real talent!
- See a hairy elephant? It's just Manny the moody mastodon.
- Responses: (Hello Marcus)
- Hello
- Hand Item: Cola
- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: The Habbo Kitchen

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Snow Storm Lobby
- Motto: Snowballs, schnowballs
- Sayings:
- You people are my best customer ever, I like you.
- Somewhere in America, there's a street named after my dad
- Snowballmachines give you snowballs fast
- Use the scenery to your advantage
- Responses: (Hello Ingema)
- Watcha! Welcome to the coolest club in the whole hotel
- Hand Item: Pepsi, Coffee, Cola/Coke, Sprite

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Lido
- Motto:
Service with a smile I keep cool by the pool (2009)
- Sayings:
- I need to get out of the ice cream booth and into the DJ booth!
- Ow there goes my eardrum!
- I wish I looked that good in a bikini
- When will I, will I be a famous Habbo who gets on the VIP list?
- I'm a fiery redhead - come here boys!
- Responses: (Hello Chloe)
- Hello sweetie
- Hi, how can I help?
- Well hello there
- Hand Item: Fanta, Lemonade, Cola/Coke

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Rooftop Rumble
- Motto: Don't look down
- Sayings:
- Quiet please, I'm thinking
- Purchase tickets at the machine by the pool.
- It makes me dizzy to move too quickly!
- Drink anyone?
- Gerbils are good :)
- Calm down
- Habbo Staff making Habbos smile since 2001
- Responses: (Hello Jem)
- You calling? I'm listening...
- I'm with ya...What's up?
- Jem's the name, drinks are my game
- That's my name, don't wear it out!
- Hand Item: Water, Lemonade, Cola/Coke

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Zen Garden
- Motto: My katana thinks you're cute!
- Sayings:
- Zen Garden is the ultimate in relaxation
- Listen to the breeze blowing through the leaves
- Responses: (Hello Miho)
- That is my name.
- Hand Item: Water
- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: The Safety Spa
- Motto: Be safe, not sorry!
- Sayings:
- Ask a Safety X for safety hints and tips. They have an X badge.
- P2S is giving your furni away!
- I got this job by smiling sweetly at Redtiz for 40 minutes.
- This should quench your thirst!
- Thirst quenching, soul refreshing!
- Be safe, not sorry! Learn to protect yourself
- Quench it!
- Glad to be of service!
- Oh to be a star! Perhaps one day soon I'll be recognised?
- Responses: (Hello Amber)
- Hello, come for some safety tips? Ask a Safety X
- Hand Item: Water

- Status: Discontinued
- Public Room: Sunset Cafe
- Motto: Chill out and have a coconut!
- Sayings:
- Official Fansite are voted by YOU, the Habbo community!
- Refreshing!
- Here you are, with extra coconut milk, only for you ;)
- Here you go, hope you like the umbrella.
- Did you know the Official Fansites are changed every 3 months?
- You sure are thirsty, huh?
- If they aren't listed once you click the billboard then they aren't Official!
- You can only have one at a time!
- Once refreshed, visit an Official Fansite!
- Click the billboard now to visit our Official Fansites!
- Official Fansites have great events, comps and radio shows!
- Responses: (Hello Ray)
- That's my name! As in the beams of golden sunshine and not the sunglasses.
- Hi my name is what? my name is who? my name is...ray
- Hand Item: Cola/Coke, Coconut Milk

Frank is the mascot of Habbo who replaced Harry as the bot in the Welcome Lounge
- Public Room: Welcome Lounge
- Motto: Welcome to Habbo

- Public Room: ClubNX
- Motto: What's Habbo about?
- Sayings:
- Welcome Habbo! There are many things to discover in Habbo Hotel!
- Have questions? Someone is breaking the rules? Ask for help from a Helper/Mod by clicking the "Help" button, in the top right corner
- Enter some of the great competitions we have running - you can find them on the front page when you log in
- Bullying is never OK - Don't let it happen!
- Nice to meet you. How are you feeling today?
- You seem to be lost... Why don't you come here and have a chat?! We can be friends :)

- Public Room: Coffee House
- Motto: Want some milk?
- Sayings:
- Are you bored? Have a look at the news, there are many things you can be part of!
- What's your favourite thing to talk about? Let's have a chat!
- What's up my friend, tell me what you need?
- (When asking for a drink) In 2 secs! Or 5 secs!

- Public Room: HC Lounge
- Motto: The special one

- Public Room: HC Lounge
- Motto: The special two

- Public Room: Game Hub
- Motto: Game is never over

- Public Room: Coffee Broom Closet
- Motto: In the backstage
A Guide Bot was a Bot that could be summoned by a user to their room. GuideBots gave a user information about the hotel and its features.
A GuideBot could be called at any time in any room a Habbo owned by going to the help menu and clicking 'call GuideBot'. GuideBots could be dismissed from a users room by simply kicking them. The Bots would advice Habbos on how to play, behave and enjoy the hotel, prompted by a number of keywords. It would display any actions (dancing etc) a user enquired about too:

Keyword | Guide Bot Response |
Dance | Click your head icon, and then the dance icon. If you feel like dancing, click the face icon and click dance. |
Hi | Hiya! |
Hit/Slap | That hurts me. *Makes a call to hotel manager* |
Help | You can call for help if someone is giving you a hard time. Just click on the yellow question mark icon. |
Love | Oui, can't have any :'( |
Move | To move, click the floor on the spot you want to go to. |
Pets | Buy your furry friend from the catalogue. He'll need food and toys to be happy and content and remember, a pet is for life, you cannot give it away! |
Scam | Be careful. |
Shout | Shouting is not recommended. Make sure you stand quite close to the people you want to chat with. |
Kick | You can kick other users from your room if they are getting too bossy or give hard time. |
Wave | Example |
Friends | Looking for people to hang out with? Open the navigator and see where everyone else is. |
FF | Participate in some games like falling furni. The trick is to always stand one square away from other users. When the owner drops a chair to the room, try to sit on it. The one left out without a chair is losing. The one sitting in the chair at last is the winner. Falling Furni games are marked as FF or Falling Furni. |
GuideBots have since been replaced with the Habbo Helpers programme. A member of the Habbo Helpers programme can be called to a room in-client by clicking 'Help' and clicking 'Ask for Instructions'.
Catalogue Bots

In November 2012, after many years of user suggestion and circling rumours, Habbo finally released a buyable Bot.[1] Before the official release, a few were given out in competitions.
The release brought a new page in the Habbo Catalogue, where two types of Bots were purchasable, the Casual Bot and the Waiter/Serving Bot. The Visitor Logger bot was released later and Santa and Mrs. Claus were released for a limited time, and re-released in December 2019. They are non-tradable like pets, but can be placed in group rooms if the user is a member with room rights.
All bots are fully customisable. Habbos can change their name, looks and speech. Users can set a base-text of speech the Bot should say, then allow the Bot to create its own sentences. This very often results in gibberish, though sometimes can give personality if re-worked correctly. Bots are subject to the Bobba filter as normal Habbos are, though can often abuse the Flooding rule in the Habbo Way with their speech.
The Casual Bot is the basic bot which includes all of these features. Other bots have even more features. The Waiter/Seving bot serves drinks including juice, milk, latter, water, regular coffee, decaff coffee and tea. The Visitor Logger records what users enter a room and can tell the owner who has visited. Santa and Mrs. Claus
Bot Commands
There are special Commands you can type in the bot's speech menu. Here's a list of the commands you can use and the effect of it:
- %owner% - Bot will say the room owners name.
- %roomname% – Shows the current room name.
- %name% – Shows the bot's name.
- %item_count% – Shows how many furniture there are in the room.
- %floor_item_count% – Shows how many floor furniture are in the room.
- %wall_item_count% – Shows how many wall furniture are in the room.
- %user_count% – Shows how many people are in the room.