
Duckets were introduced in February 21, 2013. If you are an older player, you may remember Pixels, these are essentially the reintroduction of Pixels but under a new name. Sadly, Users are unable to purchase Duckets from the Catalogue. However, users are able to earn duckets when they are being active on Habbo, completing certain achievements and completing certain quests. Habbo Staff are always trying to enhance users experience, therefore some competitions might give you a chance in winning some extra duckets too - they're a great way to start off the Habbo life! Unlike Diamonds and Credits, Duckets are actually very easy to earn. Although it may not be something which is used very often, it certainly is something which can be very helpful when you need it. People probably spend them without even thinking! Buckets allowed users the ability to purchase effects, pets, rent furniture in the Base, Cubie, Pura, Windows and Automobile categories, 2 Hour Room Promotions for only 15 buckets, and enhance the style of you room with some new wallpaper, flooring and even landscapes!
Duckets Furniture

They enabled users to begin renting furniture. This was a huge change to the way the Habbo catalogue works as nothing like this had been done before. Similar to Pixels from the past, users were able to buy a limited selection of furniture; however, with the new Duckets it is possible to rent furniture from a wider variety of ranges. For new users, this is a great feature to have been added whilst it doesn't affect older users quite as much. Years ago, new Habbos would have to slowly build up furniture in order to create any kind of room, whilst now simply by being online. Duckets can be earned and used to purchase Rentable Furni to decorate their room at an early stage in their Habbo journey. Any furniture which is rented from the catalogue will last for 7 days once it has been dropped in a room, so don't drop them until they're really needed. Items which you have rented can be found under a tab in your inventory titled "Rentables". A series of icons are also present relating to rented furniture to alert users of various things. If there is a green clock on the furnitures icon, this means that it is active and clicking it will show you how much longer this rental can be used. A red exclamation mark indicates that the rental is about to expire and should be renewed or cancelled. Whilst an item is in a room or in the inventory, it can be extended or bought out. Extending the rental will add another 7 days at the same price you rented it for originally, whilst buying out will require the user to pay Credits to own the furniture indefinitely.
There are currently 4 different furniture ranges to rent from, these are Base, Cubie, Pura, and Automobile. Prices start at 15 Duckets and go up to 139 Duckets depending on the different types of furniture. Base is a new range which was introduced to the hotel at the same time as Duckets. Cubie and Pura are ranges which have been around on Habbo for quite some time but are considered to be some of the more basic ranges. The Automobile range was once associated with Pixels but was removed from the hotel along with Pixels but was brought back to be bought with Duckets. For prices of each of these items, visit their individual pages. A small range of Wallpaper, Flooring and Landscapes can also be purchased using Duckets as a simple way to decorate rooms. The ranges are rather small compared to the same sections in the regular catalogue but not everything can be free! At present there are 15 Wallpapers, 8 Floors and 6 Landscapes to choose from. Windows. There is a choice of 6 different styles of Windows to purchase using Duckets and these will not expire like the rentable furniture. Ranging from 15 to 75 credits, there is something to suit every Habbo and their designing needs. The Base range of furniture was brought into the hotel in February 2013 along with Duckets and for a week or two was only available to rent with Duckets. However, it was then also made available to purchase with credits. This range is essentially a remake of the Hello furni range from the Pixel currency era. Although this range is slightly more appealing, most likely due to the fact it can also be purchased. The range is basically in place so that new users can get a head start on creating rooms whilst they have no credits, allowing them to integrate into the community a little easier.
For the the complete information see: Landscapes
A small range of Landscapes can also be purchased using Duckets as a simple way to decorate rooms. The range is rather small compared to the same section in the regular catalogue but not everything can be free! At present there are 12 Landscapes to choose from.
Base Furniture
For the the complete information see: Base
The Base range of furniture was brought into the hotel in February 2013 along with Duckets and for a week or two was only available to rent with Duckets. However, it was then also made available to purchase with Credits. This range is essentially a remake of the Hello furni range from the Pixels era. Although this range is slightly more appealing, most likely due to the fact it can also be purchased. The range is basically in place so that new users can get a head start on creating rooms whilst they have no credits, allowing them to integrate into the community a little easier. The Base range of furniture is available in 4 different colours - Blue, Green, Red and Pink. There are also a few miscellaneous items and recolours available.