O.B Pillow

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O.B Pillow
Release date: December 2008 (Habbo.nl Only)
Rare Values

The O.B Pillow is an furni on Habbo.nl related to the tampon brand and was giving out to the winners who answered a question. Habbo gave out 1500 of these pillows. This promotion was primarily aimed at women. Clicking on the O.B® Billboard Lead you to the official website where you could request a free trial package.

It was first spotted in the O.B® Pyjama Party room, as well as the Billboard. The room had a password on it but habbos managed to crack the password and gain access to the room. The password to the room was 23pyjama45

The O.B® Logo has eventually been removed on April 23, 2009, while habbo stated that the logo would be removed officially on April the 2nd, 2009.
