Habbo Helpers

Habbo Helpers and Guardians is a user-led Habbo safety program. The campaign was first tested on Habbo.es and Habbo.fi in April 2012, and by June 6, 2012 the program was launched on all hotels. The program is open to all users, regardless of ban history. The campaign is similar to the older Habbo Guides program. In order to become a Habbo Helper or Guardian Habbos have to complete a 'Talent Track' to first become a Habbo Citizen. On the way to becoming a citizen Habbos will learn the basics of Habbo like giving respects, making friends and being online for a given time. Along this track Achievements will be handed out for doing so. After each 'path' a free Rubber duck will be given out and in the final task a blue Base Wall Decoration will be handed out. After a habbo completed this track they can go further on the talent track in order to become a novice guardian (Guardian in the past, but this function has been removed). Other achievements such as being a helper, being on-duty and giving recommendations will be given to the player along the track.
Habbos have to start the talent track in order to get a trading pass. in the past a habbo was free to trade whoever they wanted regardless being a new habbo or a long time player. After the introducing of the talent track habbos had to get a trading pass in order to trade other Habbos.
Becoming A Helper
The Helper and Citizen tracks are found by clicking on your Habbo's head ("Me") in the bottom left corner row of icons and click on the Talents button. Once Habbos have passed the Citizen Track and become a Habbo Citizen they can continue to gain progress as a Helper.
The Talent Track has different sections and milestones to complete. Once a Habbo gets to the Frank's Little Helper section they unlock the Helper Tool and the ability to give tours and answer help questions. At Novice Guardian Habbos would receive the ability to vote in Bully reports, however this feature was later removed.
Being a Habbo Citizen
Your path is to becoming a full-fledged Habbo Citizen
We want you to get most out of your time in Habbo, so before venturing out on your own, please take a look at what it means to be a Habbo Citizen. There'll be prizes - that's a promise! ;)
- Register to Habbo
Speak Out!
A citizen is entitled to his/her voice in the community. Read the safety rules to find out how you can chat safely in Habbo!
- Level I Safety Tips - Read the safety tips.
The achievement: Level I Safety Tips will be given after reading the safety tips.
Take A Look Around
Now you know how to keep yourself safe, so why not take a look around? We're sure you'll find something you like!
- Looks That Kill I - Change your look for the first time.
- Online Time I thunderstorm - Spend total of 30 min. in hotel.
- Nice as pie I - Give 2 respects. Kudos!
- Room Raider I - Visit 5 rooms in Hotel.
The achievement: Looks That Kill I will be given for changing your look.
The achievement: Online Time I Thunderstorm will be given for spending 30 minutes in the hotel.
The achievement Nice as Pie I will be given for giving 2 respects.
The achievement Room Raider I will be given for visiting 5 rooms.
Dive In
Look at you, all suave and ready to dive into Habbo! How about looking at a few more rooms, or maybe playing a game or two?
- 5% True Habbo I - Be a habbo for 1 days
- Running Room Raider II - Visit 20 rooms in hotel.
- Online TIme II Drizzle - Spend total of 60 min. in hotel.
After this level your Trading Pass is enabled.
The achievement: 5% True Habbo will be given for being a Habbo for 1 day.
The achievement: Room Raider Level II will be given for visiting 20 rooms.
The achievement: Online Time II - Drizzle will be given for spending 1 Hour in the hotel.
The achievement: Trading Pass I will be given, you can now trade with other Habbos.
The Way of the True Citizen
You've looked around, played a few games, and maybe even re-decorated your room. You've worked hard to earn out trust, and it shall be rewarded. :)
- 10% True Habbo II - Be a Habbo for 3 days.
- Online Time III - Spend total of 120 mins. in hotel.
- level I Habbo Way - Pass the Habbo Way quiz!
- Socializer I - Get 2 Friends
After this level your citizenship is enabled.
The achievement: True Habbo II will be given for being a Habbo for 3 days.
The achievement: Online Time III will be given for spending 120 minutes in the hotel.
The achievement: Level I Habbo Way will be given for passing the quiz.
The achievement: Socializer I will be given for adding 2 friends to your friendlist.
You are one of us
You're now ready to be a full Habbo Citizen! Now go out and explore, the hotel is your oyster! :)
The achievement: Habbo Citizen, a duck and a Base Wall Decoration will be given for being a Habbo Citizen
Helping Others
Your journey as a Guide
Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then. Pay it forward - it's worth it. :)
Your path as a Guide started when you became a Habbo Citizen. How about taking the next step?
- Become a citizen
Greenhorn No More
It's time to dive into what Habbo is all about, so explore, have fun, make friends - see what it's all about!
- 20% respected Habbo II - Get 6 respects. Good for you.
- Pat Pat! III - Scratch pets 10 times.
- Nice as pie III - Give 10 respects. Kudos!
The achievement: Respected Habbo II will be given for getting 6 respects.
The achievement: Pat pat! III will be given for scratching 10 pets.
The Achievement: Nice as Pie III will be given for giving 10 respects.
A Helping Hand
We all need a little help sometimes. Why not get in touch with our friendly fuides?
- Give Feedback II - Give feedback 5 times to Helpers
- Get Help - Send 5 help requests.
The achievement: Give Feedback II will be given for recommending 5 Habbo Helpers
The achievement: Get Help will be given for sending out 5 help requests.
With a Little Help From My Friends
So, now you've settled in, and you're getting all suave with your fellow Habbos. Why not brush up on the Habbo Way and get better acquainted with our friendly guides?
- 15% True Habbo III - Be a Habbo for 10 days.
- Level I Habbo Way - Pass the Habbo Way quiz!
- Online Time V Haze - Spend total of 360 min. in Hotel.
After this level your Helper Tool will be unlocked.
The achievement: True Habbo III will be given for being a Habbo for 10 days.
The achievement: Level I Habbo Way will be given again for passing the Habbo Way Quiz. Note: this badge overrides the first one, so there is only 1 of this badge in your Achievements.
The achievement: Online TIme V - Haze will be given for spending a total of 360 minutes in the hotel.
Frank's Little Helper
Now that you know the Hotel like your own Inventory, it's time to Pay it Forward! Give a tour or two, or help someone with their Furni woes. Feels good, doesn't it?
- True Helper II - Be a Helper for 7 days.
- Guide Kudos III - Earn 10 recommendations as Habbo Helper
- On Duty V - Be on-duty as Helper for 360 minutes.
- Helping Hand V - Handle 30 Help requests.
The achievement: True Helper II will be given for being a helper for 7 days. no matter you're on duty or not.
The achievement: Guide Kudos III will be given for getting 10 recommendations as a Habbo Helper.
The achievement: On Duty V will be given for being on-duty as a Helper for 160 minutes. Note: You have to stay active in Habbo and avoid being afk for a few minutes, otherwise you'll be automatically put off-duty.
The achievement: Helping Hand V will be given for handling 30 help requests.
Habbo Helper
Awesome! You have really proved yourself as a tour guide. Keep up the good work!
- True Helper IV - Be a Helper for 21 days.
- Guide Kudos V - Earn 30 recommendations as Habbo Helper
- On Duty VII - Be on-duty as Helper for 1440 minutes.
- Helping Hand VII - Handle 85 help requests.
After this level you have the ability to participate in Guardian votes.
The achievement: True Helper IV will be given for being a helper for 21 days.
The achievement: Guide Kudos V will be given for earning 30 recommendations as a Habbo Helper.
The achievement: On Duty VII will be given for being on-duty as a Habbo Helper for 1440 minutes.
The achievement: Helping Hand VII will be given for handling 85 help requests.
Novice Guardian
As a Guardian you can help other Habbos get the most of their Habbo experience and always be on the look out for bullying and antisocial behavior.
- True Helper V - Be a Helper for 28 days.
- Guide Kudos VI - Earn 55 recommendations as Habbo Helper.
- On Duty VIII - Be on-duty as Helper for 2160 minutes.
- Helping Hand IX - Handle 150 help requests.
- Hand Of Justice V - Handle 30 cases that are in line with majority.
After this level you're officially a guardian
The achievement: True Helper V will be given for being a Habbo Helper for 28 days.
The achievement: Guide Kudos VI will be given for earning 55 recommendations as a Habbo Helper.
The Achievement: On Duty VIII will be given for being on-duty as a Habbo Helper for 2160 minutes.
The achievement: Helping Hand IX will be given for handling 150 help requests.
The Achievement: Hand Of Justive V will be given out for voting 30 bully reports with other guardians in a group chat. Note: This achievement is no longer obtainable.
Note: It is no longer possible to complete this path, since the Hand Of Justive V achievement is no longer obtainable. You can still get the True Helper, Guide Kudos, On Duty and Helping Hand achievements through normal gameplay
Help Habbos throughout the hotel to advance to the next level
- True Helper VI - Be a Helper for 56 days.
- Guide Kudos VII - Earn 85 recommendations as Habbo Helper
- On Duty IX - Be on-duty as Helper for 1880 minutes.
- Helping Hand X - Handle 200 help requests.
- Hand Of Justice VIII - Handle 115 cases that are in line with majority.
The achievement: True Helper VI will be given for being a Helper for 56 days.
The achievement: Guide Kudos VII will be given for earning 85 recommendations as a Habbo Helper.
The achievement: On Duty IX will be given for being on-duty as a Habbo Helper for 1880 minutes.
The achievement: Helping Hand X wil be given for handling 200 help requests.
The achievement: Hand Of Justice VIII will be given for voting 115 bully reports with other guardians in a group chat. Note: This achievement is no longer obtainable.

The role of Helpers is to assist other users and give tours of the hotel. With every request, a special dialogue window opens between the user and the Helper assigned to them. Users are able to request tours within the Client using the 'Help' button, and a Helper will respond to give a guided tour. While on tour, Helpers can invite the user to follow them to a room through the chat window. Helpers also respond to non-emergency questions, such as information about Games, Furni, or features of the hotel. Once they have ended the session, users are also able to rate their Helper by recommending them. Habbo Helpers also answer simple questions that Moderators have no need to take care of, taking less stress from them.
Habbo Helpers function mainly as tour guides and greeters, rather than as volunteer moderators. Unlike Hobbas, Helpers do not have any moderation powers.
Helper Tools
After you completed the 'With a Little Help From My Friends' path you will get certain Helper Tools. A new lighthouse icon next to Talents will be shown. Clicking on this icon will open your helper tools. Here you can go On-Duty, and check what kind of tasks you want to do. At first you have the option between Tour Requests and Help Requests, when reaching the Novice Guardian track you will unlock the third and last option to vote in Bully Reports. however this function has been removed. A list of how many Guides, Helpers and Guardians are on-duty can be seen and your Talent Track is accessible by clicking on the See my skill status link.
Being on-duty means you have to be active in the hotel and avoid getting afk or into idle, otherwise you will be put off-duty you are no longer be able to get requests. This will happen after a certain amount of time being afk or in idle. When another player sends a Help Request a window will be shown with the question and a Habbo Helper can accept or decline the request. When accepting the request a chat window with the person will open and a helper can chat with the other Habbo about his question or invite the person to the room the helper is in. You have 12 seconds to accept or decline the request, otherwise it will be given to another helper. The same rules apply for Tour requests however when accepting a tour request the Helper will be teleported to the room where the Habbo is.
In the past it was possible to vote in bully reports. When a habbo reported another player a chat dialogue with other guardians would open with anonymous chat log and guardians could vote if the reported player was acting 'OK' 'BAD' or 'AWFUL' by clicking on the buttons. There was a certain amount of time to verdict the bully. If the guardians couldn't get to decide the same report rotated until they eventually reached an agreement. If the outcome was 'OK' no further action would be taken, however when the outcome was 'AWFUL' the report would be handed over to the Habbo Staff. Since this was a user based moderation system, people often misused the position if they knew who the person was sending the report.
An update to the Helper tool was added in late 2012 where the track was extended to include Guardians.
Once a Habbo had proved themselves as a helper and reached the Novice Guardian milestone they unlocked the Bully tool. If a Habbo reported another user for bullying, 5 online Guardians would be given a snippet of the chat log and would vote on the severity of the reported bullying. If the Guardians were in agreement the user would be muted for 15 minutes and banned from the room. If they agreed that it was a severe case or could not come to a conclusion the report would be sent to the moderation team.
On April 24, 2019, Habbo Staff announced that the Guardian Bully tool has been disabled due to some users misusing the feature.
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