Room Promo

Room Promos on Habbo provide a method of advertising your room with minimal effort. They can be used for all sorts of reasons - whether you're hosting a game, opening a casino or even just in need of some furniture, a Room Promo may be of use to you! To create a Room Promo you will need 15 Duckets available to spend. If you have these to spare, head to the catalogue and into the Duckets section, then head down to the Room Promo section. You will need to fill in the required information - the event name, description and which of your rooms you would like the event to be held in. Purchasing one of these promos will mean that your room will be featured for 2 hours on the navigator. However, it is sometimes hard for a promotion to be recognised as by default, the navigator shows the top promotions - those which have the longest time remaining first. You are able to edit your promotion during the two hour period and also extend it for a further two hours from the promotion box on the right hand side of your screen while in the room.
History of Room Promos
The current method of purchasing a Room Promo was only introduced in February 2013 when Duckets were brought to the hotel. Prior to this, you would have to fork out 1 credit for the same two hour time period.
See Also