Floor Plan Editor

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The Floor Plan Editor

The Floor Plan Editor is a feature for members of Builders Club. It allows players to redesign the layout of their room by adding or removing tiles to make a custom room plan by using the :floor command or simply going to Room Settings and then Open Floor Plan Editor.

Before the editor was released the only way to have a custom room was using a Black Hole. The Floor Plan Editor made using Black Holes obsolete for Habbos who have a Builders Club membership as it includes more customisation, and when the Habbo's subscription runs out they still keep their customised floor plan.


Draw Mode

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Lets you add tiles in the black square. The color you select determines the height of the tiles.
Lets you remove tiles from the black square. This only works on empty tiles without furniture on it.
Clicking on a tile with this one selected lets you raise a tile.
Clicking on a tile with this one selected lets you lower a tile.
Lets you place the entrance where Habbo's start in the room. You can change the direction of how players enter by clicking on this.
Clicking this allows you to zoom in on the floor plan editor.
Clicking this allows you to zoom out on the floor plan editor.

Draw Height

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Using this slider and selecting one of these colors lets you place tiles on certain heights, with dark blue being the lowest and dark purple the highest.

Wall Height

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Using this slider lets you select your wall height, with the bottom being the lowest and the top being the highest.

The black square 'The Editor'

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This is where you have to place the tiles by clicking in it. The maximum that can be placed is 1024 tiles. (32x32)

Revert Changes

Clicking on the Reset button undoes everything you just did. Note: this won't work if you've already saved the room.

Before October 2020 you were able to revert room changes, wall height or floor tiles even after your Builders Club subscription had ended, and the room could still be accessed if it had been edited through Builders Club, even if the memebrsdhip had elapsed.

In October 2020 however, Habbo announced the reverting to the default state of the room before Builders Club membership with no longer be possible if your membership has expired. Additionally, they announced that any room layours or wall heights edited through Builders Club would render the room invisible in the navigator and inaccessible by other Habbos if your Builders Club subscription ran out, appearing again once it was reactivated. This would continue to be the case in the Habbo 2020 release.

Enter Direction

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Lets you determine the entrance direction by clicking on it.

Look and Feel

In the floor plan editor you can determine the walls and floors. click on the either 'Thin Walls' or 'Thin Floors' to open a small menu. You can choose from 4 wall and floor styles.


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Clicking this allows you to decide which wall thickness you want.
This is the selection of wall thickness you can have, you can also know what selection you have on as this will be highlighted green.
Thinnest Walls Thin Walls Normal Walls Thick Walls


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Clicking this allows you to decide which floor thickness you want.
This is the selection of floor thickness you can have, you can also know what selection you have on as this will be highlighted green.
Thinnest Floors Thin Floors Normal Floors Thick Floors

The white square 'The Preview'

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This window gives you a sneak preview of what you're doing, placing tiles of certain heights will review a 'stairs' in this window.


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Clicking on the button Import/Export opens this window, here you can copy or paste the room layout. If you keep this window open en go to another room and click on 'Revert to last entered map' the layout numbers will change to the room you're currently in, this helps you copy another players room layout or a public one.

Floor Plan Validation Failed

It's possible to get a Floor Plan Validation Failed (General): The Room Needs To Have An Entrance warning when you build a custom room with the door somewhere else This is because the door is placed on a tile that wasn't there before. To fix this error close the Floor Plan Editor, open it back up, place the tile you want the door on but don't place the door yet, and save it. Now you can place the door on the tile. Source

Previous Floor Editor

With the launch of the new Unity client, some room settings were removed. These include:

This was the old entrance button, where Habbo's start in the room. You could change the direction of how players entered by clicking the arrows in 'Enter Direction'
