Hotel Versions (V41-V50)
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Every so often, the hotel receives a few interesting updates and the hotel version/released used to change. This occurred right up until R/V63, when Sulake decided to introduce "builds" instead (e.g. Build 1335) and also, we now refer to the updates past V/R33 as "BETA updates". Different releases/versions used to be a rare occasion back in 2000-2003 but they became more common as Sulake and Habbo Hotel grew in size. Here is a list of what V41 - V50 brought to the hotel:

- A new dialogue would pop up when players gained an achievement.
- The ability to allow/disallow pets eating all the food in a room was introduced.
- Users could now log into Habbo via Facebook.

- More pet commands were added.
- Players could view the amount of credits they had and access the news in the "Me" menu.
- A new dialogue would pop up when players clicked the credits icon.
- The news dialogue no longer appeared on the hotel view.
- The Marketplace was added.
- It was now possible to log into Habbo via a range of services.

- Advanced gift wrapping was added - including more colours and styles.
- Gift related achievements were added.
- Registration was slightly edited.
- Major updates made to the Marketplace (the ability to check availability and advanced search controls).
- It was now possible to activate/deactivate room blocking.
- Players could now link their Habbo account to a 3rd party service (e.g. Facebook).

- Registration with 3rd party accounts was simplified.
- Friend requests now popped up in a bubble (if the person who sent it was in the same room as the receiver).
- It was now possible for players to choose which HC gifts they received.
- It was possible to change names (due to the upcoming US/Canada Hotel merge, which later expanded to 3 other English-speaking countries).

- The Habbo ID feature was added (which centered around a player's E-mail address) which enabled them to create multiple accounts on 1 ID.
- Habbo VIP was added and HC was upgraded. New features included: different club gifts, more room layouts, more clothing colours, higher friend list limit and so on.
- The ability to go bare foot was added for VIPs.
- 2 new VIP gifts and more clothes were added.