Purple Traxmachine

The Purple Traxmachine is a furniture item that was uploaded amongst various other Trax Machines. It is a very common Trax Machine globally due to it being handed out for free (as part of a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign) on eight hotels - Habbo.com.br, Habbo.ch and Habbo.it to name a few. It was also sold in the catalogue on 6 different hotels, but only in the "Club Shop" on 3 of them (Habbo.se, Habbo.no and Habbo.dk). The main function of Trax Machines was; to allow users to play collections of songs from the different Trax Discs which could be put in the machine - e.g. Habbo Sounds.
This item does not have a description, just like many other Trax Machines.
The Purple Traxmachine has been spotted on 14 hotels (thus making it the second most common Trax Machine - behind the Black Traxmachine) and released on all of them. Here is a complete list of releases:
- Habbo.com.au - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.com.br - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.ca - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.dk - Sold in the "Club Shop" in May 2008.
- Habbo.fi - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.fr - Sold in the catalogue in July 2007.
- Habbo.de - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.it - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.nl - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.no - Sold in the "Club Shop" in May 2008.
- Habbo.se - Sold in the "Club Shop" in May 2008.
- Habbo.ch - Given out free during a "Monsters of Habbo" campaign.
- Habbo.co.uk - Sold in the catalogue in June 2007.
- Habbo USA - Sold in the catalogue in March 2008.