Habbo Experience

The Habbo Experience was an interactive tutorial for Habbo made in 2004/05 and was available to watch on the homepage for some time. The video focuses on the user Chaplin and his friends DJ_Shadow, Faith and Cherry-Bomb around the hotel and it explores some of the main features Habbo has to offer.
Click here to watch the original video!

Chaplin is the main character in the tutorial, acting as a guide to the viewer. He introduces himself briefly, then a cutscene takes the viewer to the Ice Cafe where he arranged to meet his three friends who offer to show you the hotel.
The first to arrive is DJ_Shadow, who often hosts parties in his room, and invites Chaplin and the viewer to come along. Click Here to view the room in-client.
Faith offers to take you to the Habbo Lido, where she shows you the pool and Diving.
Last but no least, Cherry-Bomb arrives and asks Chaplin to come to her usual messy room. Click Here to view the room in-client'.
DJ_Shadow's Room
Faith Diving
Cherry-Bomb's Room