Builders at Work
Builders at Work | |
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Year initiated: | 2014 |
Habbo programs: | Artists At Work |
Builders at Work (Aka: 'BAW') is a program initiated in 2014 within Habbo which has been described by Sulake staff as a revamped Room Builders Inc (RBI) program. Staff personally select a small group of users, many with roots in room building via RBI or other notable competition entries to take on the job of building rooms and creating events for various sub campaigns within the hotel. BAW members are also contracted to create YouTube videos for the official Habbo channel, but none have been requested thus far.
For the original version of Builders at Work there a chief builder and five assistant builders which work at the chief builders direction.[1] Often work is delegated out to smaller groups of assistant builders to save time and resources. There is much controversy surrounding the selection of BAW members as the screening process for applicants is unknown. Sulake does not share the process but tells users they are selected on appropriate merit.
The program ran for fourteen seasons before being revamped at the end of 2016.
On March 10th 2014 the first BAW team was announced in Habbo News. The article also stated a plethora of new information; that the teams of assistant builders would interchange every 2 months whilst the chief builder would be interchanged every 6 months, running three BAW teams during their period as well as benefits for being a BAW participant. Members of BAW receive extended Builders Club Membership, extended Habbo Club Membership and an increased Builders Club furni limit. They also received a badge for the duration of their term. Upon the end of each season members receive a commemorative badge.
BAW members once selected and announced were granted access to a private BAW in client forum in which all members and Sulake staff interact together. The private in client forum included threads such as 'Introductions' for getting to know other members and staff, 'Main Timetable' which specifies day to day events, what campaigns are coming up and deadlines. From there threads were created to specifically discuss each individual room design and event required.
The very first task that teams are given is to design a private home room for that BAW team to meet if they wish in client to discuss matters outside the forum. This was a rare occurrence however. Due to the level of building required for other events and intrusion of past members, the second teams home room was never fully completed.
Whilst generally each BAW team works without influence of a previous team it will often be the case that past season BAW members will also be on the forum to 'help' the new team. It is also not uncommon to note new BAW designs including furniture and items from previous BAW members who wish to help.
BAW Team One
The first team was announced on March 10th, 2014 and started building approximately a week after.[2]
- Chief Builder: Jendro
- Assistant Builder #1: Hawky
- Assistant Builder #2: Jher
- Assistant Builder #3: Aymei
- Assistant Builder #4: Undercover.
- Assistant Builder #5: Pivet
BAW Team Two
The second team was announced on May 20th, 2014 and started building the next day.[3]
- Chief Builder: Jendro
- Assistant Builder #1: Hawaii5.o
- Assistant Builder #2: Daltron
- Assistant Builder #3: Matt2205
- Assistant Builder #4: Bored_1
- Assistant Builder #5: Choi
Daltron resigned after three weeks of the program due to personal reasons and was never replaced. The team carried out their term with only 4 assistant builders.
BAW Team Three
The third team was announced on July 18th, 2014 and started building the next day.[4]
- Chief Builder: Jendro
- Assistant Builder #1: .Derp.
- Assistant Builder #2: Exposed
- Assistant Builder #3: SirenAngel
- Assistant Builder #4: Bamboo
- Assistant Builder #5: Stadiums
BAW Team Four
The fourth team was announced on October 1st, 2014 and it was revealed Hawaii5.o would be the new Chief Builder, taking over from Jendro.
- Chief Builder: Hawaii5.o
- Assistant Builder #1: Wishy
- Assistant Builder #2: remmub
- Assistant Builder #3: Serafina_Pesaro
- Assistant Builder #4: franchellecute
- Assistant Builder #5: DanN191
Mostly unknown faces made the new team which prompted both criticisms and praises due to 'new blood' Prominently in the midst of the new season, remmub fell prey to attacks for his nasty attitude towards others during official BAW events.
BAW Team Five
The fifth team was announced in December 2014 after applications were opened for the first time for Habbos to submit their rooms in the hope of garnering a position with BAW.
- Chief Builder: Hawaii5.o.
- Assistant Builder #1: 010#
- Assistant Builder #2: funkyjen
- Assistant Builder #3: GoldenGuyTex
- Assistant Builder #4: Melonaid
- Assistant Builder #5: Aqe
BAW Team Six
The sixth team was announced in March 2015 with a completely unheard of leader!
- Chief Builder: oSkaterboyo
- Assistant Builder #1: teeheeme!
- Assistant Builder #2: CTN
- Assistant Builder #3: Pixierockstar
- Assistant Builder #4: Convictable
- Assistant Builder #5: Plfrs
BAW Team Seven
The seventh team was announced in June 2015 with a brand new leader despite oSkaterboyo only completing one season as BaW leader!
- Chief Builder: Usul
- Assistant Builder #1: Satu
- Assistant Builder #2: CianGaga
- Assistant Builder #3: SueOprahWinfrey
- Assistant Builder #4: Alexthedoc
- Assistant Builder #5: DJ-rapand
BAW Team Eight
The seventh team was announced in August 2015.
- Chief Builder: Usul
- Assistant Builder #1: Pulx
- Assistant Builder #2: Endroo
- Assistant Builder #3: Priorities
- Assistant Builder #4: Frission
- Assistant Builder #5: Audemars
BAW Team Nine
The seventh team was announced in November 2015.
- Chief Builder: Usul
- Assistant Builder #1: Babycakes
- Assistant Builder #2: Paddie
- Assistant Builder #3: Proms
- Assistant Builder #4: :Pajamas
- Assistant Builder #5: HockeyRef
- Assistant Builder #6: Joan
HockeyRef never built a room for the BaW season and dropped out shortly into the season. Paddie also dropped out of the BAW team due to drama within the team due to him giving out badges to his friends. This led to Joan being added into the BaW team late during the season after a vote took place within the team about who should join.
BAW Team Ten
The seventh team was announced in January 2016. Pulx comes back from BAW season eight to lead the next 3 seasons.
- Chief Builder: Pulx
- Assistant Builder #1: Okeefinokee
- Assistant Builder #2: Invited
- Assistant Builder #3: Hanna.Yeap
- Assistant Builder #4: Edmond
- Assistant Builder #5: Snauzher
BAW Team Eleven
The seventh team was announced in March 2016.
- Chief Builder: Pulx
- Assistant Builder #1: Armset
- Assistant Builder #2: Kerasu
- Assistant Builder #3: Minvs
- Assistant Builder #4: Zunq
- Assistant Builder #5: Sofie372
- Assistant Builder #6: daisyfletchy
Kerasu dropped out of BAW shortly after receiving the free builders club and was replaced by Pulx's girlfriend daisyfletchy which caused much controversy!
BAW Team Twelve
The seventh team was announced in May 2016
- Chief Builder: Pulx
- Assistant Builder #1: Ben.
- Assistant Builder #2: ,Informal
- Assistant Builder #3: jj9090
- Assistant Builder #4: EkR-19
- Assistant Builder #5: Atalyn1804
BAW Team Thirteen
The seventh team was announced in July 2016
- Chief Builder: Frission
- Assistant Builder #1: Ghozer
- Assistant Builder #2: Cyndii.
- Assistant Builder #3: Peachery
- Assistant Builder #4: Aimeh
- Assistant Builder #5: Richit
BAW Team Fourteen
The seventh team was announced in September 2016
- Chief Builder: Frission
- Assistant Builder #1: lgbqt
- Assistant Builder #2: Intera
- Assistant Builder #3: lluvli
- Assistant Builder #4: :Cassidy
- Assistant Builder #5: .:Jela-C:.
Builders At Work 2.0/Master At Work
After season fourteen Builders at Work was revamped again. Every four months one Habbo was chosen as a Master Builder and if chosen again, a President Builder. Towards the end of Kredits term, the Builder's At Work 2.0 was renamed to "Master At Work", this was because the programme consisted of a lone master builder. The Master Builder could choose who they wanted as their assistant(s). This Habbo was expected to also build global rooms to be used on all international hotels. The Builders would receive Builders Club and Habbo Club memberships, 7000 added to their Builders Club limit, access to Sandbox and Master or President Badges.
The Master Builders included:
- IAmReallyBored
- Alexthedoc
- Kredits
- Frission
- Atlantic
- Pokemon
- Peachery
- HighSparrow
2020 Team

Throughout July 2020 the 'Builder's Corp x BaW Edition' competition was held over several weeks to select the next team of users to join Builders at Work. The competition was judged by the community manager Amaiazing and players icearbr, Corlay, and HighSparrow. Every week, each team had to submit a room that adhered to a certain theme, and one team was eliminated every week. The winner was the team 'The Plastics', which was comprised of Okeefinokee, Moonwalk, and SueOprahWinfrey. Their winning entry was the 'Temple of Hebba'. They served as the BAW team until the introduction of the Habbo 2020 modern client in January 2021.
The BAW format returned similar to the original BAW format where each team created events and campaigns for the US Hotel, not all the international hotels. However, all team members were given access to Sandbox to build, rather than given increased Builders Club limits to build with their own furni. After each team's term, only the Master at Work keeps Sandbox access in order to help with building global campaigns.
- Master at Work: Okeefinokee
- Builder at Work #1: SueOprahWinfrey
- Builder at Work: #2: Moonwalk
Their campaigns included the vaporwave 'Neolympics' series of games, a Halloween 'Asylum' autorun, a live 'Drag Race' competition, a 25-room 'Gaga Maze', and others.
2021 Team
In April 2021 a new competition was announced to select the next team of Builders at Work. The winners were Deactivate!, JamieChurchley & Hx.Ben who started their four month term as Builders at Work in the middle of May.
- Master at Work: Deactivate!
- Builder at Work #1: Hx.Ben
- Builder at Work: #2: JamieChurchley
2022 Team
In June 2022, a room competition with the theme 'Elements' was announced to select the next team of Builders at Work. The winners were Oivind, Swaggaliciouis, and 3Charms.
- Master at Work: Oivind
- Builder at Work #1: Swaggaliciouis
- Builder at Work: #2: 3Charms.
2024 Team
In November 2023, a room competition with the theme "travel" 'Competition for thr BAW 2024 team' this was to select the next team of Builders at Work. In January 2024 the winners were announced they were the '3rd Team''. The winners were =XsitiX= , suskai , and Jad.
- Master Builder: =XsitiX=
- Helper Builder #1: suskai
- Builder at Work: #2: Jad
Below are some of the rooms and events created by various BAW teams during their active period. Often rooms are cloned for convenience within the hotel or pushed onto a staff account for popular events.
St. Patricks Day '14
LGBT Awareness '14
Running of the Bulls Event '14
Dragor Valley Dragon Dash
BAW Contract
When each member is selected for BAW they must first agree to a set of terms and conditions provided by Sulake Staff. This contract covers things such as copyright and use of design by BAW members as well as the specified benefits and a clause to agree on not requesting further compensation as it is essentially a volunteer program. Upon being selected to partake in the program a contract is emailed to the primary email associated with the users Habbo account.
BAW Team 2 Contract
Reception and Issues
Upon the announcement of the program, there was much concern within the Habbo community that due to the private screening process the program would not be fair or allow the right people to participate, instead of being staff's favourite users. Forums both in client and on external Fansites became high with criticism and disgust towards the program, often being branded as 'elitist' and not in its own right.[5]
An issue which has specifically been problematic for every team is the skill of wiring properly. Often events designed to be 24/7 and automated by nature would be glitched easily by users and then required re-wiring by BAW members.
Wired passwords have also been quite popular in the early days of team 3, with members being affiliated with external fansites and thus creating wired passwords for other fansite staff to skip events and redeem badges without effort. Often these passwords are leaked and require a quick remedy which usually comes from staff who remove the wired or completely shut down the room. In the very first event of team 3, HabboQuests staff all were given a secret code to skip the event and get the badge quickly. The password was leaked almost instantly.
Password for HQ staff leaked