The Box

The Box was a magazine entirely devoted to the latest gossip, fun and facts of Habbox. Although the first version was only released in early 2014, it developed and evolved into something of grandeur, with a little bit of something for everyone to indulge in.
The Box was inspired by a leaflet that lawrawrrr received through her door which summed up local activity. Through the hearty idea to update Habbox and keep records of monthly happenings like the leaflet, The Box soon grew from 6-some pages into often over an 18 paged wonder.
The Writers
Although the majority of work was done by Laura with the creation and artists touch with her magazine, there were monthly writers there to help her create content.
The recurring monthly writers were Expling, Calum0812 and an Anonymous writer as well past and one-off writers include Samanfa, Inseriousity., Alkaz, Ripieno, Krazybethw, dbgtz, -Nick, !!Troxa!!, Empired, Kardan and The Don.
Section Dissection
There have been many different areas of writing, and here you have a short run-down on the articles that were available.
Past, Present and Future - This was a quirky little article which gives you some facts about Habbox's history, current happenings and prospective events.
Furni Spotlight - Every month, a furniture range was chosen and an in detail run-down of it is provided. This is a good way to keep up with the pretty and the not so pretty furniture.
Member Spotlight - This gives members the chance to shine! Each month, someone is chosen to answer some Q&A about themselves to feature in The Box.
Department Spotlight - This was a great way of keeping people in the loop with new, old and current occurrences within departments. If a Manager had a great idea they'd like to share with the community, this was a fantastic way of luring them in!
The Rumour Mill - This was exactly as it sounds, where floating rumours are captured and stuffed into one fun-filled piece of writing.
The Quote Box - This was where snippets of funny conversation were taken from the community and shown off to the rest!
Your month on Habbo - This was a collection of screenshots and events that happen on the client!
Managers' Briefing - As managers are an integral and important part of maintaining Habbox, each month featured a snippet of intentions and ambitions for each manager's departments.
Behind the Box - This was an analysis of staff and managers, keeping an accurate month to month tally of hired numbers.
Fact Box - The fact box is pretty self-explanatory - facts on Habbox!
Wiki'd fact - This contains a new fact from the wiki every month.
The Past Sections
These articles were ones which were written in the past but unfortunately no longer exist.
Ask Kimmy
Staff Spotlight (this was an interview with a staff member)
A look-back at.../your preview of (this is still used occasionally after a big event) Interesting Tidbit
Lonely Hearts
Mystic Mike
- The Box was written (mainly) and published by lawrawrrr, the current Assistant General Manager (Content).
- The Box usually contained over 20 pages, but the one-year anniversary edition which was released in May 2015 contained over 30 pages.
- The Box was inspired by a leaflet.