Habbox Alteration Archive

The Habbox Alteration Archive was a website page/gallery featured on the Habbox.com version 6 site. It was originally being developed by lawrawrrr and Drew as part of a Habbox Graphics project during the start of 2014 and became publicly viewable on the 18th April the same year. The aim of the Alteration Archive was to highlight some of the most prestigious pixel artists that have been connected to Habbox in some way by publicly displaying some of their best works on the website. Mini biographies were also placed above each artist's drawings in order to describe their connection to Habbox.
Fourteen artists had profiles on the archive, with the last addition being the HabboxForum user Zealoux. All users who submitted/who were featured in the archive (as submissions could be made by other users providing evidence was displayed) received a Forum Award on HabboxForum to display on their User Profile, as well as HabboxForum Tokens or Habbox VIP for outstanding submissions. There was a minimum requirement of 9 individual pieces of art as image submissions.
On Version 8 of the Habbox site, the Alteration Archive has been changed to a Pixel Art Showcase, retaining most of the previous works while also adding some newer Habbox artists.
Artists & Biographies
- RoboEvil - Roboevil is a former Graphics Manager. He first joined Habbox as a Pixel Artist in June 2005, following that on with roles such as Game Designer. In January 2008, he was made Graphics Manager, where he reigned for 3 months. Roboevil is well known at Habbox for his alterations and Habbo art - most impressively, he holds the record for having the most +repped post of all time, with 216 reps and counting.
- ShadowChild - ShadowChild was one of the best known graphic artists at Habbox Forum. Although she is best known for creating Chibis (cartoon drawings) of many of the members, she also frequented the alteration sections.
- Shonly - Shonly, better known as Sho, was a member of the Graphics team at Habbox. She joined the team in February 2014 under the management and guidance of Drew, and has improved her skills since then. She often created alts based on herself and Drew, many of them being described as "cute" by members of the forum.
- Drew - Drew is a former Graphics Manager at Habbox. After joining the department in November 2013, she quickly rose through the ranks and was made manager in January 2014, following Nick.
- MakeBelieve.. - MakeBelieve.. was one of the better-known graphics designers at Habbox. She stuck mainly to designing rooms, although created character alterations too. She has won the StrayPixels competition on Habbo an impressive 5 times, only matched by one other and beaten by 5.
- lawrawrrr - lawrawrrr is a former Graphics staff member. She is currently the General Manager (Site). She first joined the Graphics team in August 2012 and worked in the department on and off until her promotion in March 2014. When asked what type of graphics she prefers making, she said: "Gifs. Definitely gifs. I wish I was better at them!"
- -Jordan - Jordan was a French member of Habbox Forum and known as a pixel artist. Many of his works of art are enlargements with alterations added, although he has created a few regular Habbo-sized ones too. Creating only two threads during his time at Habbox in 2013, Jordan's legacy as an incredible pixel artist was over pretty quickly. However, his alts created enough of an impression to stick in our brains!
- David - David is a former Graphics staff member, who has also gone under the names of Dave. and Hulk on Habbox Forum. With Kasabian (Tom), David formed an integral part of the Graphics team. During his time he created high-profile graphics such as the Habbox Twitter background. He created many alterations parodying the General Management team at Habbox.
- GregSegesi - GregSegesi, also known as Greg, Segesi or Fall, is one of the most diverse character pixel artists Habbox has ever seen. Creating figurines from superheroes to popular figures, Greg's work has been extremely well received by the community. Some images have since updated with broken links, but most of his work is still available to see!
- dbgtz - dbgtz, known affectionately as Tom, was one of the longest-standing pixel artists at Habbox. He created highly detailed alterations, as well as entire new Habbo-based pieces of artwork, usually very well received by the community. As well as posting on Habbox, dbgtz has entered Habbo competitions, of which he has won & placed multiple times. He often worked with popular culture figures, such as Doctor Who.
- Kyle - Kyle, also known as smurf.mad.kyle, surf.mad.kyle and Jellyfish was a long-serving Habbox member and is a former Habbox Help Desk Manager. Although he was best known for his room designs (which have won multiple Habbo and Habbox competitions), he also created alterations of Habbo, including scenes based on them.
- Nick - Nick is a former Graphics manager at Habbox and keen pixel artist. Although most of his alts were used as part of official Habbox graphics over the three years (on and off) he was Graphics staff, he also posted often in the Alterations section of the forum.
- Intersocial - Intersocial (better known as Hayden) held various Habbox roles for several years. Whilst he didn't tend to stick to one particular style of art, he did mainly enjoy designing badges and random objects.
- Paige. - Paige was a member of the Graphics team at Habbox. She joined the team in October 2014, with almost no experience, and was very eager to learn. Under the management and guidance of Drew, she improved her skills and has even created the header for the Halloween forum skin and made a badge that is now on Habbo! She also liked to create alts based on herself and cats.
- Zealoux - Zealoux is a former Graphics manager at Habbox. She joined the team in January 2015, with little to no experience and succeeded in creating simple but effective alterations.
RoboEvil, ShadowChild, Shonly, Drew, MakeBelieve.., and lawrawrrr were the original artists added on the 18th April 2014.
-Jordan, David, GregSegesi, dbgtz, Kyle, and Nick were all added during the second major update on the 30th April 2014.
Intersocial was added on the 28th July 2014.
Paige. was added on the 18th November 2014.
Zealoux was added in 2015.