Draw My Thing

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Draw My Thing is based on an iOS application called Draw My Something. It was a competition which was released on 1st April 2014. It was a collaberation between the Competitions and Graphics Departments. The managers of these departments at this time were Shonly (Competitions Manager) and Drew (Graphics Manager). The competition had a duration time of 14 days (1st to 14th April 2014).

How To Play

1) To enter the competition you had to post a thread into the Draw My Thing sub-forum, with your forum name as the thread title and stating you wish to play. Your thread could only be seen by the administrators and competition organisers.

2) Once you've posted your thread, the competition organisers would reply with your first task. You were given a choice of three words to draw: one easy, one medium and one hard. You chose one of these words to draw, and once you had finished, you would post your choice of word and your drawing in the thread.

3) After you had finished your drawing and posted it into your thread, the competition organisers would show your drawing to Competitions and Graphics staff, and they had to guess the word that has been drawn. Only three guesses were allowed. If they guessed correctly, you would earn points. An easy word was worth 5 points, a medium word was worth 10 points, and a hard word was worth 15 points.

4) The competition organisers would then post a reply to your thread with your next task. You would also be told if you had earned points for the previous task.

The cycle continued until the competition ended at 23:59 GMT on the 14th of April. However, you would only have a maximum of 20 tasks posted for throughout the competition.


These rules were set to make this as challenging as possible for the competitors.

1. All images must have been hand drawn on either an application (for example Microsoft Paint or Photoshop) or by hand. You could not use a template and colour it in.

2. The colours you were allowed to use were limited. Every player started with being allowed to use only blue, yellow, and red in their drawings. Once you had accumulated 40 points, green will be unlocked. You would need 80 points to unlock orange, and finally, 120 points to unlock purple.

3. Backgrounds had to be white or black only.

4. If you were drawing by hand, the appropriate coloured pencils or pens had to be used, that is, no lead pencils or black pens.

5. Competitors were not allowed to include text or write words in their drawings, but they were allowed to use arrows.


1st Place 100 Credits + 1 month VIP + 100 reputation points + 50 tokens + forum award

2nd Place 2 weeks VIP + 100 reputation points + 50 tokens

3rd Place 1 week VIP + 100 reputation points + 50 tokens

In addition, all participants will receive the forum award below!

Results and Leaderboard

Tasks Attempted Name Points
3 scottish 35
2 The Don 30
2 lemons 30
2 Smurfed- 20
1 cameron 15
1 wixard 15
1 Liva 15
1 Bolt660 15
1 Plebings 10
1 -Nick 10
1 buttons 5
- kyle 0
- :Cerys 0
- dbgtz 0
- FlyingJesus 0
- Kardan 0
- Red 0
- Yuxin 0
- j0rd 0
- Drewar 0
- Nick 0
- WaterRapids 0
- Cerinacy 0
- James 0
- e5 0
- Mark 0
- Dragga 0
- Samantha. 0
- Hidden 0
  • Table and Results last updated April 1st 2014 - 02:27 PM.