Pink Dragon Lamp

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Pink Dragon Lamp
Motto: Breathes Fire
Release date: 12 January 2013
Campaign: None
Limited Edition Rare
Quantity available: 80
Quantity sold: 80
Release price: 750 Credits
Owners tracked: 67/80 (84%)
Rare Values
Category: Limited Edition Rares
Ultra Rares
Value: Habbox Rare Values
Previous Release:
Santa's Workbench
Next Release:
Silver Pillow

The Pink Dragon Lamp is a Limited Edition Rare released on January 12 2013. There were 80 units available for 750 Credits each which all sold in less than a minute.

This dragon was the first Limited Edition Rare to be released in 2013, and was also the first Limited Edition Rare to be sold for 750 credits. As all 80 of them sold out, they will not be released or given out again. For this reason, it is highly unlikely to ever fall below the original catalogue price and is more likely to remain at a much higher value.

The rare appears similar to other Dragon Lamps which were released as V7 Rares, and many players have always asked for and suggested a pink recolour of them. It is this reason that it is one of the highest valued and most popular Limited Edition Rares to date. Due to the Pink Dragon's appeal as a highly prized collection item and inactivity of the current owners not willing to sell, the Dragon has continued to climb in price over the years with transactions as recent as January 2024 reaching over 3600 Goldbars (180k credits) each for regular numbers, with single digits seeking a higher premium to the regular # sale prices.

Considered by many as the grail of any rare collection, this dragon is a symbol of wealth. Many collectors strive to have it to complete the set of dragons, and given the Pink Dragon Lamp is the hardest piece to get, pay a high premium for it given the demand and rarity. Given the limitation of 80 quantity during release and many being permanently banned or inactive due to years passed from release date, the Pink Dragon Lamp is often considered one of the most sought after items in game and as time passes, harder to obtain due to owner inactivity and many on permanently banned accounts.

Owner Tracking

ID Owner Last Updated Notes
1 P1nkDragon 28-Jun-2018 Banned
2 PodSfty 23-Nov-2018 Banned
3 berserkfury 27-Oct-2023 Active
4 B 28-Sep-2023 Active
5 funkyjen 15-Jan-2019 Banned
6 TDragonLover 24-Apr-2020 NFS
7 Window 14-Dec-2020 NFS
8 teeeEye 30-Jun-2018 Banned
9 TDragonLover 26-Jun-2020 NFS
10 Zak 20-Jun-2020 Inactive
12 B 1-Mar-2019 Active
14 BotFather 02-May-2021 Banned
18 LuCa.5 25-May-2017 Inactive
20 NotBroken 20-Mar-2017 Banned
21 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
22 Eduard 5-May-2021 Banned
23 B 30-Jul-2020 Active
25 Gohon 02-Aug-2021 Inactive
26 AlmondHaze 20-Feb-2023 Active
27 BotFather 02-May-2021 Banned
28 Plazs 19-May-2019 Banned
29 B 25-Mar-2021 Active
31 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
32 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
34 Bae 24-Jun-2018 Inactive
36 teeeEye 30-Jun-2018 Banned
37 lawrawrrr 15-Jan-2019 NFS
38 chidiva 15-Jan-2019 NFS
39 KiwiDK 17-Jan-2019 NFS
40 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
41 bobba 23-Mar-2025 Active
42 FoxyRoxanne1 12-Feb-2022 Active
43 KiwiDK 15-Jan-2019 NFS
44 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
45 deathday 14-Jun-2022 Active
46 Pawzi 02-Aug-2021 Active
47 Wookie 28-Jun-2018 Inactive
48 VincentZ 27-Oct-2023 Active
49 Starz1999 15-Jan-2019 Inactive
50 uberaquick 10-Jul-2020 Active
51 KiwiDK 15-Jan-2019 NFS
52 jando2012 15-Nov-2019 Active
53 moonn6-safety 20-Aug-2021 Banned
54 Enfix 15-Jan-2019 Inactive
55 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Banned
56 caniduh 30-Jun-2020 NFS
58 Xx.:Abbas:.xX 2-Feb-2024 Active
59 TDragonLover 26-Dec-2019 NFS
60 TDragonLover 1-Jan-2020 NFS
61 BotFather 02-May-2021 Banned
62 AlmondHaze 20-Feb-2023 Active
63 Shogunate 31-Dec-2022 Active
64 DOOFY2020 23-Dec-2019 NFS
65 Cind3r 15-Jan-2019 NFS
66 B 15-Feb-2023 Active
67 NotBroken 20-Mar-2017 Banned
68 CasinoLife 03-Oct-2017 Inactive
69 Vyndictus 6-Jul-2018 Active
70 BotFather 02-May-2021 Banned
72 TDragonLover 24-Apr-2020 NFS
73 Starz1999 15-Jan-2019 Inactive
74 Captain-Alpha 02-Aug-2021 Active
76 KiwiDK 20-Oct-2019 NFS
77 Xx.:Hasan:.xX 1-Jan-2024 Banned
78 TDragonLover 26-Dec-2019 NFS
79 TDragonLover 19-Dec-2019 NFS
80 TDragonLover 07-Feb-2022 NFS
Total 67/80 (84%)