24K Gold Crown

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24K Gold Crown
Release date: 29 December 2023
Campaign: Chocolate Emporium
Limited Edition Rare
Quantity available: 900
Quantity sold: 900
Release price: 750 Credits and 150 Diamonds
Owners tracked: 231/900 (26%)
Rare Values
Category: Limited Edition Rares
Value: Habbox Rare Values
Previous Release:
Artisanal Chocolate Carousel
Next Release:
Flemish Bunny Ride

The 24K Gold Crown is a Limited Edition Rare that came out on 29th December. Upon release, 900 units were made available and all were sold a bit more than an hour after release. Due to a global latency that appeared for all users while interacting with the catalogue at the time of release, some users had to wait over 10 minutes to grab one of them due to being rate limited.

It ends the streak of LTD rares not being sold out; the last one to do so prior to this release was the Hibernating Autumn Bear in September's Autumn Fashion Shoot campaign. The 24K Gold Crown was, however, a much slower item to sell out than many in recent years, remaining in the catalogue for over an hour as opposed to completion in seconds as has happened with more popular items.


Everyone who purchased the 24K Gold Crown also received a badge.

According to Habbowidgets, 405 users have this badge.

Owner Tracking

ID Owner Last Updated Notes
34 :-uSafety 25-July-2024 Active
82 :-uSafety 25-July-2024 Active
123 Legitti 25-July-2024 Binded
233 FlyingJesus 29-Dec-2023 Binded
276 :-uSafety 26-July-2024 Active
290 JenXswe 26-Feb-2024 Binded
315 React! 26-Feb-2024 Binded
361 Huiii 26-Feb-2024 Binded
380 :.Miniset.: 26-Feb-2024 Binded
433 Zachh 26-Feb-2024 Binded
486 YouthHigh 26-Feb-2024 Binded
489 Praetor 13-Jun-2024 Binded
505 Provision 26-Feb-2024 Binded
596 LpRoss 26-Feb-2024 Binded
607 Split 26-Feb-2024 Binded
631 Vickybix 26-Feb-2024 Binded
658 thedeadlyhost 26-Feb-2024 Binded
756 Ms.Chiken 26-Feb-2024 Binded
872 chromeheartsmom 26-Feb-2024 Binded
880 Ramonda 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ,Duke 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ,Magic 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc --Tech--Geek-- 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc -ajc- 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc -Nick- 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc -Tearstar, 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc .-LU-. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc .Michael. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc .Nonchalant. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc .Rainbow. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc .wJ. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc 0099 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc :12. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc :Jovan: 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc :Madonna 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc :_naja_: 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc @Deus 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Acrobatics 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc aiyo. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc alex25744 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Amesly 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc AmySkates... 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Androux 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Antietam 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Apologiletic 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Arie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Arky 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Arsaces 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Aw 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc awesome.leslie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc axm 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Ayeeyo 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Babs. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc BadBihs 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Balakae22 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Beautii 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Bequ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Biggie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc BillieEyelash 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc BlueSkull 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Boujie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc boyZz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc brianislove 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc BritishMonarch 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Businessman 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc CaptainDinEReal 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Caramel 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Caulin 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc CementBlock 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Chain 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc CharlesReturned 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc charlie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ChaseSafe 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc CheekenBurger 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc CheesyRyan 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Chili 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ChillingChase 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Chocomallow- 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ChoobbiTheCat 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc classie2 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Codeman95 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Controllable. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc cos-mic 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc d-gen 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Daddy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc DarkDragons! 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Dolla 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc dtyhan 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc dynamite7 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc e-kitty 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc emodjordroc 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Erikuh 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ExtraKen 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Facious. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc FallenGod 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc FAQ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc FireShowing 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Flowerss 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Forsta 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Fruckly 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc FST 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Full 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Funtonythegreat 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc gaon 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc GeneTheBear 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Good. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Goodx 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Great 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Gumby 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc hakimi308 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Hanness 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Hatdog 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Hell 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Heroes 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc HeyitsBenz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc iBazi 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ItsMe.Ryleigh! 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Itz.:MyLove1:. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ItzLynz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc J3N 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc James 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc jdrocker 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc jessejames21 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc JJBarbie.. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc JJSpazzin 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Joelicious 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Jousha367 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc juice! 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Julienne 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Just, 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Justin 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc JX95 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Kayleigh.. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Kidrauhl. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc kilap 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc killzstealz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc kimbaap 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Kitt 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Klaix 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Kommy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Krys, 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Lacx 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc LaFee 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc LegolasLeaf 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Lewski 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Lisza 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Lorrie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Loses 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Loyal. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc luvbuggy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc lyanne 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Macklebee 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Makisa 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Mallen 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MasterSword_ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc maxxa 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MeatSlap 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MerClaudy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MET999 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Midman 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Minasoo 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc mini 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MonkeyxDLuffy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Mood 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MrsGoodiex 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc MusicalEmma 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Muther 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Nerohae 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Neton 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc NikCS 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc NinjasInPyjamas 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Odin 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc OneArmBandit 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc onlyTruly 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Overvalued 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Oxzene 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc p00ch 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Paan. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Pho 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc PhuzzyflapN 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc PinkPrincessEmz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Pistol 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Player 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Praetor 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Price:Tag 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Priscillia 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Pulsater 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc PumGobbler 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc QuantumPhysiks. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc R!chV!bes 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc R0213 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Renaissance 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Rexy. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Rey 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Ris 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Rosanthe 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc RoyleZz 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ruususuu 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc s1k 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Saikopan 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Shaane 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Shao 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Shinoske 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc SkyAutumn 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc SkyRezy 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Solis. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Tako 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Terrorization 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc tgi 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc TheRealWowin 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Thursam 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc TigerLily,x 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Timesheet 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Tink, 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc ToastyWoo 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Tuca 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc unholy-jamie 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Uppercut 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc VincentZ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc vIrus 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Watch4Me 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Waterlyly 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Wavicle 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Wet 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Xaria 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Xexion 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc xoNikkyxo. 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Yucca 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Yuusa 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc Zeinyra 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc _davis_ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
tbc _UniqueStar_ 26-Feb-2024 Binded
Total 231/900 (26%)