House of Flying Carrots

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House of Flying Carrots
Opening date: Unknown
Closing date: Unknown

The House of Flying Carrots, previously named Dragon's Lair, is another oriental-themed Public Room. It was based on the design of Club Mammoth, but changed almost beyond recognition. However, the addition of lights assume that this room is designed more to be a film set (such as the TV Studio) - especially seeing as the room title is based on a movie called Flying House of Daggers. The waterfall used to run constantly in Old Habbo (before Beta was substituted), but was stopped due to lag and incompatibility with the Flash client. The room was originally HC exclusive, however, after the Habbo updated it was made available to all users.

The room description was "Exotic mystery and danger awaits."


  • Banner introduced for an Orange campaign (NL)
  • Pool colour changed for Halloween 2008
