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Housekeeping, commonly referred to as HK, is a web-based control panel for Sulake staff. Through Housekeeping, staff members can access a database of players, where they can also moderate from a remote location. Housekeeping is a very secure environment, and in order to access it, you need a moderator or admin rank within Habbo. Another security measure what Sulake have in place is SSL security certificates and staff members must be on a certain IP address to access housekeeping.


Inside Housekeeping are various tools mainly used for moderation and website management. Sulake Staff members can read chatlogs, ban players directly, look up any information about a player including registration date, IP address, and ban record. They can also create news articles, new campaigns and give a player coins but this feature is rarely used.


In 2007 one person by the name of Finch-HIMself managed to hack into Habbo USA hotel's Housekeeping. He allegedly started to take over the hotel and accessed Sulake staff accounts as well as famous players. He also gave away at least 200 million coins and thousands of dollars worth of furni. The hotel later that day went offline for at least 5 hours. Soon after the hacking rumours circulated that Finch-HIMself was arrested or put under house arrest.