Monster Plants

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Monster Plant
Release date: May 2012
Species: over 150,000
Catalogue price: 3 Credits + 250 Duckets

Monster Plants are a type of pet that can be found inside Habbo Hotel. These pets were released in May 2012 and each seed costs 10 Credits in the Catalogue. Until the release of Baby Pets, they were the only pets that could be bred with each other. However, unlike any other pets, they have their own lifespan. Users also have the chance to revive their Monster Plant once, in case it is untreated and dies.


Monster Plants were first released into the Finnish hotel at the start of May and were then rolled out to other hotels during the end of May. Alongside Monster Plants, Gardening furniture were also released and various past furniture ranges, for example Gothic, were re-released. Upon release, each user received 1 free Plant Seed as a promotion for the new pet.

A number of new Trophies were released as part of the Monster Plant campaign. These are the Bronze, Silver and Golden Man-Eating Plant Trophies, as well as the Bronze, Silver & Golden Watering Can Trophies. Both gold trophies in these sets are super rares.


There are 11 species, but they have numerous different colors, faces and names. These are the species that you can get named by their specie name.

Specie Image


These pets also have a structure of rarity. If you receive a Monster Plant seed/gain a Monster Plant that is level 1, it is incredibly common. If it is level 10, it is incredibly rare. Also, due to the ability to breed these pets, there are over 150,000 combinations and types of Monster Plants available inside the hotel.

Looking After Your Plant

Monster Plants also have to be looked after regularly and will die without consistent treatment. New seeds have to be treated at least once every 36 hours and adult plants need to be treated once every 72 hours. Even if the seed is kept in a user's hand it still needs to be treated regularly. A dead Monster Plant is symbolised by a gravestone in a plant pot.

A competition was centred around the treatment of Monster Plants. The user who managed to treat the most plants over a 7-day timescale gained a Watering Can Of Greatness for their efforts, several thousand gained a Watering Can Of Semi-Greatness and several thousand gained a Watering Can of Partial Greatness. The winner of this competition was FieryCold.


Once a user's plant has reached the highest stage of maturity in its life, it can be bred with Monster Plants of the same level. Both users need to have the "Breedable" option ticked on their plants and both players will gain a seed if they decide to breed their plants together.

A competition was based around this breeding feature where the user who managed to breed the most plants in a week gained a Golden Man-Eating Trophy for their efforts. Several thousand gained a Silver Man-Eating Trophy and another several thousand gained a Bronze Man-Eating Trophy. If you didn't rank (breed) then you didn't gain anything. The winner of this competition was FieryCold.


Players can use items to help improve their Monster Plant. These items include:

  • Revival - This can only be used once to help bring back a dead Monster Plant to life.
  • Fertilizer - This helps speed up the growth of a Monster Plant.
  • Rebreeding Potion - Allows a plant to re-breed once.