Gold Hotel Prize Trophy

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Hotel Prize Trophy
Motto: For bright-shining stars such as you!
Release date: July 2014
Rare Values
Category: Super Rares

The Gold Hotel Prize Trophy is a super rare trophy on Habbo.


This Gold Trophy is one of a set of three Hotel Prize Trophies that can be received through competitions hosted by the community staff, the other two trophies that can be awarded are the Silver Hotel Prize Trophy and Bronze Hotel Prize Trophy.

Known Examples

It is estimated that there are less than 50 of these on hotel. Here are confirmed owners of the Gold Hotel Prize Trophy on

Owner Quantity Last Updated Notes Room - (Clicking link will open room in the client)
Svzy 1 11-Dec-2023 Active
sirjonasxx-II 1 15-Jun-2020 Active sirjonasxx' Lounge dutch / belgië /nederlands nlbe
Graspingg 1 19-May-2020 Active
Zh 1 21-Mar-2017 Banned
moonn6-Safety 1 21-Mar-2017 Banned ƒ Zach & Tsu's Storage #01 ƒ
chidiva 1 21-Mar-2017 NFS - Thanks for the memories
Adeus 1 28-Feb-2025 NFS The Elysian Fields
Jes 1 31-Mar-2017 Inactive #1 LTDs
-=Junkao=- 1 19-May-2020 Active
I8U 2 15-Jun-2020 Active Home room
Tank-Engine. 1 19-May-2020 Active # [¥] Red Rare Room [¥]
sprite27 3 28-Jan-2022 Inactive NEED MONSTER PLANT BREEDING PARTNERS
vincent85 2 10-Sep-2021 Inactive =VJ= IDEA MUSEUM
Window 1 10-Sep-2021 Active [‘] Rare World Musée [‘]
Clone116 1 19-Sep-2021 Banned thank you <-|«
Kyle-4REALz 1 20-Nov-2021 Active HABBTOPIA
Total 21

See Also