Blue Sleeping Bag

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Blue Sleeping Bag
Motto: Ultimate coziness
Release date: 2008
Rare Values
Category: V11 Rares
Value: Habbox Rare Values

The Blue Sleeping Bag, formerly known as the "Safety Sleeping Bag" on Habbo UK, is a Rare on which was uploaded amongst other V7 Rares. It is only available on 3 hotels (including and has never been sold in a catalogue. It entered circulation on the English speaking hotel due to it being handed out to the eXperts still remaining when the programme ended in late 2008 - about 70 or so were handed out in a gift which said "A thank you from X Management." It was also handed out on the US hotel to "loyal members" alongside other blue furniture items, although it is not known how loyalty was judged. The Blue Sleeping Bag has also been released on and


The Blue Sleeping Bag has been spotted on 6 hotels in total. Here is a complete list of all sightings/releases:

  • Habbo Canada - Spotted in "Resting Place" owned by La_Brea.
  • Habbo Finland - Given as a main competition prize in 2011, making it one of the rarest items in the Finnish hotel. Also spotted in the "Habborock 2010" campaign room owned by Seitikki, a staff of that time.
  • Habbo Norway - Handed out to the remaining Habbo Xs when the programme ended.
  • Habbo United Kingdom - Handed out to the remaining Habbo Xs when the programme ended.
  • Habbo Germany - Sold in the catalogue in 2019
  • Habbo France - Sold in the catalogue in October 2020


Every user who purchased the Blue Sleeping Bag as Classical Rare after 2010 also received a badge.