Learn about Habbo was a section of Achievements on Habbo. This section of achievements had 14 badges for you to earn; 4 of them required you to have Group Forum furni. It taught a habbo the basics of the game like kicking or muting a player, how to turn off the game sounds and taught players all about Room Settings. This category was discontinued with the introduction of Habbo 2020, while most of these achievements were relocated to the Archive category, the "Door Mode" achievement has been moved to the "Explore Habbo" category.
Room Filter - To get this achievement all you have to do is go to your own room, click Settings, Room Filter. the achievement should pop-up
Door Mode - To get this achievement: Go to your room, Click on settings, Room Settings, Access. In Habbo 2020 this achievement was added to the "Explore Habbo" section.
Disable Room Blocking - To get this achievement: Go to your room, Click Settings, Room Settings, Basic, and mark the: Room Blocking Not Allowed at the bottom.
Chat Scroll Speed - To get this achievement: Go to your room, Click Settings, Room Settings, Vip/Chat, and click the: Normal Scroll speed. (This achievement and the next two are in the same section)
Chat Flood Filter - As above, but click the: Standard Anti Flood Protection
Chat Hearing Range - As Above, but change the number at the bottom from 14 to a number you like. Notice: if you have a big room and the number is below 20, people at the other side of the room will not be able to hear you!
Ignore - To get this achievement: Click on another habbo and click on Ignore.
Mute - This achievement require you to be in your own room or have room rights in someone's group room: Click on another Habbo, Click More, Click Mute
Kick - This achievement require you to be in your own room or have room rights in someone's group room: Click on another Habbo, Click More, Click Kick
Ban - This achievement require you to be in your own room or have room rights in someone's group room: Click on another Habbo, Click More, Click Ban
Forum Read Setting - This achievement requires a Forum Furni: Double click your forum furni, click Settings and change the Who Can Read The Forum setting (This achievement and the next 3 are in the same section)
Forum Post Setting - This achievement requires a Forum Furni: As above, but change the Who can post messages setting.
Forum Thread Setting - This achievement requires a Forum Furni: As above, but change the Start new threads setting.
Forum Moderation Setting - This achievement requires a Forum Furni: As above, but change the Who can moderate setting.