LUCPIX, known as ProbablyLucas and LUCPIX! on joined HabboxForum on the 22nd of January 2016 and became staff in both the Graphics and Articles departments. Due to his hard work in the Graphics department, he was promoted to Senior Graphics Designer after only being in the role for a month. Showing his dedication in the department, LUCPIX received another promotion in the Graphics Department, this time to Graphics Manager; one of the fastest promotions in Habbox history as he only held the Senior Graphics Designer position for a month similar to the regular Graphics Designer position. He succeeded Mrs_Plant as Graphics Manager before resigning in July 2016. In January 2017, he returned as Habbox staff and currently holds the role of Graphics Designer.
At an early phase of his journey as a Pixel Artist at the community, LUCPIX has somewhat hastily and intuitively proposed the original concepts for the current "Habbox in a box" logo for the fansite, first established in Early 2018 for the means of accommodating for the development of's major overhaul that ultimately became its eighth iteration, with (mostly) positive feedbacks among the fellow Habboxers, ultimately ending a cycle of brandings composed out of a typography off more generic Habbo font generators. He is particularly happy to see that the logo's vast changeability potential has inspired different events and contexts within the community to have it temporarily modified by fellow artists in order to suit the seasons' look-and-feel better!
His favourite Habbo furniture is the Pink Balloon Duck (or anything that bigger than 2x1 tiles, really), although he also sports occasional fondness to all the Plasto chairs bar the Rainbow one.
He is a Southern Brazilian, and says "come and visit us".
Nourishes an ardent admiration and influence by the Brazilian musician Hermeto Pascoal and how he is amusingly unaware of how awesome he is.
Has the activity of decompiling games as his monomaniac hobby (by that, we mostly mean the original The Sims) for the strange sake of discovering their unused content, easter eggs, debug materials and whatnot.
Has created multiple official Habbo event badges for Habbox. Oddly, his current badge inventory only contains 10% of his works, due to his constant account back-and-forths.