Roller Stacking

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Roller Stacking in earlier years of Habbo, Habbos used Rollers to stack furniture on top of each other - since the introduction of the Magic Stack Tile, this method has become obsolete although it is still functional. Stacking with rollers is the very first and oldest method players ever used to stack furni on top or in each other that could not usually be stacked on.

The higher a player wanted to build, the more rollers there had to be in the room; the amount of rollers must equal or outnumber the total count of furniture you want to stack. For example: if you wanted to place 2 furniture on top of each other, you needed to have 2 rollers in the room, to place 3 furniture on top of each other you needed 3 rollers in the room etc..


  • 1. Get two Rollers, and make them face each other so you items back and forth on them.
  • 2. Drop a Z Shelf on the Rollers.
  • 3. After you are sure the Z Shelf is going back and forth, drop an item (we will call it A) on top of the Shelf.

  • 4. After that, remove the Z Shelf so the item is moving in the air.
  • 5. Drop another item (we will call this B) under the Rollers, but make sure you drop it as soon as item A is moving to the next Roller. In doing so, you will drop B directly under A. This may take some practice because it isn’t very easy at first.


  • 1. Gather four Rollers, and drop them to make a continuous loop.
  • 2. Drop a Z Shelf, and then an item on top of it (we will call the item A).

  • 3. Now, remove the Z Shelf so item A is left floating, and moving in a circle.
  • 4. Drop another item (we will call it item B) so that it goes under item A, like in the other tutorial.
  • 5. Now it gets difficult. You now should have A and B moving around in a circle on top of each other. Place a Z Shelf on the Roller right in front of A and B, just moments before they move to it. If you do it right, the two items will rise up, being "pushed" into the air by the Shelf.

  • 6. It should now look like the above picture, with the previously stacked items raised and the Shelf in front of them.
  • 7. Now you have to remove the Z Shelf. You should be left with items A and B still floating in the air.
  • 8. Repeat step four to get a third item in the pile.

  • 9. If what you have looks like the above image, then you have mastered this version of stacking! You can drop a Z Shelf to make the items go up again, then add another item. With four Rollers, however, there is a limit to how much Furni you can place on them. When you reach this limit, no more Furni can be added. To fix this, drop more Rollers anywhere in the room, then reload the room.