Alt Codes

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Alt Codes is a method for Windows computers for entering characters using the keyboard. This method is used for characters that are not available on the keyboard. Habbo users often use these characters in their Mottos and Room names to make them look more attractive.

The appearance of characters depends on the used font. Habbo uses a subset of the Ubuntu font with a small number of characters replaced by characters designed by Sulake itself. These characters are derived from the Volter (Goldfish) font, the font originally used for Habbo and designed by Sulake.

There are two type of Alt codes, codes with one or more leading zeros and codes without leading zeros. Codes with leading zero correspond with the Unicode numbers (in decimal notation) of Unicode characters.

Codes without leading zero range from 0-255. A higher number is the same as the number modulo 256. So for example Alt + 7 is the same as Alt + 263 and Alt + 2567.

How to do Alt Codes

Alt codes work when 'Num Lock' is on (laptop) or by using the numeric key pad (on most computers, and even some laptop keyboards).

To use these alt codes, you must:

  • Hold down the Alt key (Alt + Fn for some laptops).
  • Type the corresponding numbers on the numeric key pad (for some laptops you have to use the keys 7-8-9, u-i-o, j-k-l and m).
  • Release the Alt key.

Users that don't have a numeric key pad on their keyboard may also use On-Screen Keyboard. To use this press the Windows key and type "osk" and press the Enter key. Then enable numeric key pad in options and follow the instructions above.

Alternatively to using Alt codes, you can copy the corresponding characters from this wiki page and paste it into Habbo. This method is especially handy for people who don't use a Windows computer.

Characters designed by Sulake

Alt code Alt code (unicode) Character Appearance on Habbo
Alt + 7 Alt + 0149
Alt + 20 Alt + 0182
Alt + 124 Alt + 0124 |
(Shift + \)
Alt + 159 Alt + 0131 ƒ
Alt + 166 Alt + 0170 ª
Alt + 167 Alt + 0186 º
Alt + 170 Alt + 0172 ¬
Alt + 175 Alt + 0187 »
Alt + 190 Alt + 0165 ¥
Alt + 230 Alt + 0181 µ
Alt + 241 Alt + 0177 ±
Alt + 246 Alt + 0247 ÷
  Alt + 0134
  Alt + 0135
  Alt + 0145
  Alt + 0151

Other characters

Here's a list of other characters that may come in handy. Be aware, many more characters exist.

Alt code Alt code (unicode) Character
Alt + 21 Alt + 0167 §
Alt + 248 Alt + 0176 °
Alt + 238 Alt + 0175 ¯
Alt + 171 Alt + 0189 ½
Alt + 172 Alt + 0188 ¼
Alt + 243 Alt + 0190 ¾
Alt + 251 Alt + 0185 ¹
Alt + 253 Alt + 0178 ²
Alt + 252 Alt + 0179 ³
Alt + 258 Alt + 0215 ×
Alt + 174 Alt + 0171 «
Alt + 231 Alt + 0254 þ
Alt + 232 Alt + 0222 Þ
Alt + 247 Alt + 0184 ¸
Alt + 250 Alt + 0183 ·
  Alt + 0128
Alt + 156 Alt + 0163 £
Alt + 189 Alt + 0162 ¢
Alt + 207 Alt + 0164 ¤
Alt + 184 Alt + 0169 ©
Alt + 169 Alt + 0174 ®
  Alt + 0153
  Alt + 0140 Œ
Alt + 225 Alt + 0223 ß
Alt + 168 Alt + 0191 ¿
Alt + 173 Alt + 0161 ¡
Alt + 164 Alt + 0241 ñ
Alt + 165 Alt + 0209 Ñ
Alt + 160 Alt + 0225 á
Alt + 130 Alt + 0233 é
Alt + 161 Alt + 0237 í
Alt + 162 Alt + 0243 ó
Alt + 163 Alt + 0250 ú
Alt + 181 Alt + 0193 Á
Alt + 144 Alt + 0201 É
Alt + 214 Alt + 0205 Í
Alt + 224 Alt + 0211 Ó
Alt + 233 Alt + 0218 Ú
Alt + 132 Alt + 0228 ä
Alt + 137 Alt + 0235 ë
Alt + 139 Alt + 0239 ï
Alt + 148 Alt + 0246 ö
Alt + 129 Alt + 0252 ü
Alt + 142 Alt + 0196 Ä
Alt + 211 Alt + 0203 Ë
Alt + 216 Alt + 0207 Ï
Alt + 153 Alt + 0214 Ö
Alt + 154 Alt + 0220 Ü

See Also