Black Traxmachine

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Black Traxmachine
Rare Values

The Black Traxmachine is a furniture item that was uploaded amongst various other Trax Machines. It was only released into hotels one way - via the Catalogue (unlike a few other Trax Machines, such as the Red Traxmachine and Turquoise Traxmachine which were released in Habbo Competitions). This Trax Machine was deemed a permanent addition to the Catalogue and was released in June 2007. However, it wasn't a permanent addition for due to it being quickly replaced with the Grey Traxmachine afterwards... whether it was accidental or not, no-one knows.

The main function of Trax Machines was; to allow users to play collections of songs from the different Trax Discs which could be put in the machine - e.g. Habbo Sounds. This item did not have a description, like most of the other Trax Machines.


The Black Traxmachine has been spotted on 16 hotels and released on all of them. Here is a complete list of release information:

  • Globally - A permanent addition to the catalogue in June 2007.