Heart Quests
Heart Quests were sets of Quests on Habbo, released during the Valentine's period, usually started in the first week of February and ran until Valentine's Day. The Quests were formed with various tasks for Habbos to complete, such as finding a piece of furniture, activating Avatar Effects or visiting different Rooms.
Each completed quest contributed to the player's Achievement Score and gave them Hearts which could be spent on Heart Gifts.
The Hearts' currency system was based on the Snowflakes system, which was introduced for Christmas the year before.

The 2011 Heart Quest campaign begun on the 4th February. Over the next two weeks, Habbos could complete daily quest to earn Hearts. All of the quests for 2011 were missions to locate a specific piece of Furni on the hotel, which players had to double click.
As well as getting Hearts to spend on gifts, players would also get Valentines Achievements
- Level 1: Complete one quest
- Level 2: Complete one more quest (2 in all)
- Level 3: Complete one more quest (3 in all)
- Level 4: Complete two more quests (5 in all)
- Level 5: Complete two more quests (7 in all)
- Level 6: Complete two more quests (9 in all)
- Level 7: Complete two more quests (11 in all)
- Level 8: Complete two more quests (13 in all)
- Level 9: Complete two more quests (15 in all)
- Level 10: Complete one more quest (16 in all)
A very similar system was brought back for 2012, but much of the campaign for that year focused on the stories of the Heartbreak Hotel, Starlight Prom and Romantic Getaway, with each having a furniture range released with it.