Global Satellite Screen

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Global Satellite Screen
Motto: Uh oh. Did you just press the red button!?
Release date: May 2015
Campaign: Army Bootcamp
Release price: 25 Credits and 25 Diamonds
Rare Values
Category: New Rares
Previous Release:
Magical Candy Unicorn
Next Release:
X-Ray Scanner

The Global Satellite Screen is a rare furniture item that was released in May 2015 for the Army Bootcamp campaign. There are two states to the Screen: one shows a clear world map, while the other shows the world map with targets.

At the time of release, it was available to purchase from the catalogue for 25 Credits and 25 Diamonds.


Every user who purchased the Global Satellite Screen received a badge.

According to HabboWidgets, 623 users have this badge.