Rare Banzai Robo

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Rare Banzai Robo
Motto: If Rare RoboCop and a Rare Transformer had babies...
Release date: 19 April 2013
Campaign: Battle Banzai
Release price: 25 Credits
Rare Values
Category: New Rares
Previous Release:
Time Machine
Next Release:
Rare Bear Head

The Rare Banzai Robo was the first installment of the Banzai Rares campaign that ran in mid-April 2013. This was a recoloured version of the original Banzai Robo released in the Battle Banzai category in the Catalogue. It was similar in almost every other way, but this one was a rare hence the rare modification on its name.

Similarly to the Palooza and Pirate rares, the Rare Banzai Robo was released for 25 Credits. It was available for a few hours before it was removed permanently ready for the next Banzai Rare.