Habbo Inked
Habbo Inked | |
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Number of players: | n/a |
Habbo Inked was an event on Habbo.com held in June 2008.
This event released 2 new rares: Orange Powered Fan and the Yellow Smoke Machine. And the rerelease of the Red Amber Lamp from 2005.
Loderse's Anniversary Pool Party
Loderse celebrates a year on Habbo with a pool party: Friday, June 13th at 4pm.
It’s been an incredible year for Habbo’s Hotel Manager, Loderse, and we can’t wait to see what the next 365 days bring.
Join us for a massive splash fest to celebrate Loderse's anniversary on Friday the 13th of June, 4pm (PT) on the Habbosphere Pool Deck (in the Navigator, under Public Rooms/Fun & Games).
- Please, you must wear a bathing suit in the pool. No skinny-dipping.
Anniversary Party Canceled!

Emergency Town Hall Meeting called for Thursday, June 12th at 4pm PT in Theatredome.
As you may have noticed, the fish have been missing from the catalog and today most of the staff members woke up with purple hair! Due to these unexplainable events, we have decided to cancel Loderse's One Year Anniversary party on Friday.
Instead, she insisted on calling a Town Hall meeting to update the Habbo community on the recent events and answer any questions related to these mysterious circumstances.
Tune into Habbo Radio for a special broadcast of these announcements by CrashCarson. We apologize for this sudden change in plans and we know you were all looking forward to the party. However, Loderse and the rest of the staff would feel a lot better to get to the bottom of this first.
Report to the Theatredome this Thursday at 4pm PT.
Town Hall Meeting
Are you seeing purple too?
After today's Town Hall meeting, you all know that we have noticed some strange things happening in the Hotel.
To help with this investigation, we would like your help. If your hair has turned purple or you have noticed anything else particularly odd happening, please report it here.
Also, if you think you know who or what is behind this strange phenomenon or find all the missing fish, please report it below.
Thank you for your cooperation!
A Mystery Package Reveals A Secret

It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.
At today's Emergency Town Hall meeting, Loderse was called away to pick up an urgent package at the front desk and left before the meeting got started without any explanation.
So what happened?
Loderse picked up the package from the lobby desk and it was marked URGENT - OPEN NOW. She went to her room to take a look inside. It was a RARE Red Amber Lamp and a note was attached that read:
"Dear Loderse - Place this lamp in your room, turn it on and set your room mood light to blue. Once setup, wait there until a secret is revealed. The safety of the community depends on it."
With a smirk on her face, Loderse shrugged and followed the instructions exactly. About 5 minutes later, someone appeared in the doorway. It was Woop1, but he looked different. His legs looked like tentacles and he slithered into the room. Loderse thought "OMG! Woop1 is a squid?!" and let out a gasp.
Woop1 asked what that was for and she played it off by saying "Oh nothing. What can I do for you?" Loderse turned off the Amber Lamp and noticed that Woop1 had regular legs again. "Interesting" she thought to herself.
Loderse offered him a seat, but he refused and acted fearful by the sight of the Red Iced Furni. Instead, he just began ranting about how the Ninjas stole the fish from the catalog and insisted that she do something about it. Growing suspicious, Loderse assured Woop1 that staff will get to the bottom of this immediately and escorted him to the door.
What does this mean?
All we know at this point is that Woop1 is a squid disguised as a Habbo and whomever sent Loderse the Red Amber Lamp figured out the combination for revealing his true identity. By his reaction, Loderse suspects that the Red Iced Furni worked as a deterrent. Who knows. Maybe it reminds him of cocktail sauce?
Anyway, it gets better. Not only do we have a squid posing as a Habbo in the Hotel, he's inking our hair. And it doesn't stop there... we have reason to believe he is not alone. Why is this happening? We don't know yet. More details as they come in.
Anti-Squid Protection Kits
As a precautionary measure, we have added an anti-squid protection kit to the furniture catalog. For your own protection, we strongly suggest you pick up the following items:
- Red Iced Furni (squids are afraid of these items and should stay clear)
- Red Amber Lamp (combined with the mood light at the optimal setting, reveals squids in their true form)
- Orange Inflatable Chair (squids won't sit on these because their tentacles get stuck to the plastic)
Obviously, these items are not mandatory and you are welcome to take your chances, but don't say we didn't warn you. This kit is not 100% fool proof and there is a slight chance that you will still wake up inked. Do not be alarmed or panic. We do not think they are here to harm us.
If you have also been inked and you haven't already done so, please alert us by giving a statement here.
For now, stay safe and more instructions will follow.
Anti-Squid League
New developments and important information.
Rumors have been flying and some Habbos have said that they came from another Hotel or maybe Area 51. But after further investigation, we have confirmed that Woop1 is a minion from the Planet Suckafoo. This planet in inhibited by a race of a tattoo-ing Colossus Space Squids (CSS)! As ridiculous as this may sound, they are in Habbo and they are not too happy!
Why are they here?
Apparently, every time a scammer gets banned they are flung into outer space and have been landing on Planet Suckafoo. Annoyed by these banned scammer, who endlessly repeat "do i get a badge for this", and "f/r me?, and "gimme free coins!", the CSS set out on a mission to punish the Hotel by stealing their fish. However, no one really noticed because they were too busy blaming the Ninjas... a rumor started by Woop1.
When this plan failed, they moved to plan B. Attack what is most dear to Habbos... our appearance. So, the CSS have been giving Habbos horribly designed tattoos and dying our hair purple. That is right... Habbo has been inked! Is having a tattoo bad? No. Having a bad tattoo is bad... and permanent.
Anti-Squid League
Don't let this happen to you! Join the Anti-Squid League (ASL) now and pick up a Squid Protection Kit! If you can't afford one - don't worry. We have setup an Anti-Squid League floor in the navigator. There you will find the ASL Headquarters and other Squid Free rooms.
We encourage Habbos to spend the weekend doing Squid Investigations. After you have completed your search, please report them below.
All Habbos who submit a legitimate report will receive a small token of appreciation!
Stay safe and enjoy your weekend. And hey, don't forget to help your neighbor. Open your safe room to other Habbos who may need refuge. :)
The Invasion Begins!
Attention all Habbos! We now know how all the squids are getting into the Hotel!
Just a few moments ago, Loderse went to confront Woop1 about rumors of a large squid attack scheduled for next week.
As she entered the room, she saw Woop1 releasing a ton of squids into the room thru the Black Monolith.
Before she could grab it, Woop1 picked up the Monolith and quickly left the room. As of now, we don't know where Woop1 or the Black Monolith is.
If you happen to have a Black Monolith, please close it so no squid can enter the Hotel.
If you see Woop1 or any squid, please report their location in the Anti-Squid League group forums.
We will report more information as it comes in.
Run From The Squids!

Who can run the fastest to the squid-protective chairs before being left out without protection? The squids are in ink-force completely dying everyone purple.
Join CrashCarson on Monday, 6/16 3PM PST / 6PM EST as he plays the frantic racing game of Run from the Squids! to reach the protective Red Amber Lamp from being completely inked for one hour. Bring your fastest running shoes, tentacles will not help you win. Can you make it to the Red Amber Lamp before the Squids get you?
The winner from each game will win a Trophy from CrashCarson after the event is over.
Squid Run

Who can slither the fastest to the Squid Alarm and signal for more backup squids from the Planet Suckafoo? The squids are running low and need more ink.
Join CrashCarson on Tuesday, 6/17 @ 5PM PST / 8PM EST as he plays the slithery racing game of Squid Run to reach the Squid Alarm and signal for replacements before completely drying up of ink for 2 hours. Slide on your slitheriest tentacles, they will help you win. Can you make it to the Squid Alarm before completely drying up of ink?
The winner from each game will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after the event is over.
Run From The Squids!
Who can run the fastest to the squid-protective chairs before being left out without protection? The squids are in ink-force completely dying everyone purple.
On Wednesday, 6/18 @ 12PM PST / 3PM EST, CrashCarson is back for another race game of Run from the Squids! for one hour only.
The winner from each game will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after the event is over.
Squid Emergency Preparation - Habbo Radio

Join CrashCarson on Habbo Radio to assemble his Squid Emergency Preparation kit before the squids take full control of the Hotel. Wednesday, 6/18 @ 5PM PST / 8PM EST.
Someone is sending CrashCarson mysterious trivia notes and he must solve them if he wants to prepare for the overwhelming squid invasion.
Start the Quest
Go to Habbo Radio and listen for clues at these times when you hear the sound of CrashCarson's clock going "Tick Tock":
5PM PST / 8PM EST 5:30PM PST / 8:30PM EST 6PM PST / 9PM EST 6:30PM PST / 9:30PM EST
Once you have all 4 answers from the radio quest, submit them using the submission form below. The first 25 Habbos to correctly answer all 4 questions will each be awarded with an Orange Inflatable Chair.
The first 25 winners who submitted these correct answers have received their prize.
- 1. Woop1
- 2. Black Monolith
- 3. cocktail sauce
- 4. tentacles get stuck on the plastic
Good going! Thanks for helping CrashCarson. We all may be safe after all.
Find The Monolith

Help us find the Monolith before the entire population of Planet Suckafoo invades Habbo!
As reported yesterday, Woop1 was caught releasing squid into the Hotel by way of the Black Monolith in his room.
Word in the Hotel is a big squid invasion is planned for sometime next week. We must prevent that from happening!
We've managed to gather some inside intelligence information and so, to protect our sources, all further instructions and clues will be given in the Anti-Squid League forums.
All Habbos who complete the quest to find Woop1's Monolith will get a complete set of Habbo Inked stickers. Plus, 10 lucky RANDOM Habbos will get a Red Amber Lamp to add to their collection of fine Habbo furniture.
Squid Safety
Prepare with CrashCarson in knowing what makes a squid slithery and invasive to counterattack their madness on the Hotel. Thursday, 6/19 @ 4PM PST / 7PM EST.
The CSS are smart cephalopods and are preparing ways around our protective squid gear. CrashCarson needs your help in understanding the highly evolved space creatures before tactical steps can be made against them.
Start the Quest
Go to DARK COLD ROOM and search for clues near the spinning fan in the room.
Each of CrashCarson’s rooms has a message with a question. To find a list of CrashCarson’s rooms, search his name for the list. As each message is read, the next room (will appear in CAPS) and a password will be given so you may move along in the quest.
Once you have all 5 answers from the questions, submit them using the submission form below. The first 25 Habbos to correctly answer all 5 questions will each be awarded with an Orange Inflatable Chair.
- This quest is now closed. The first 25 winners who submitted these correct answers have received their prize.
- 1. chromatophores
- 2. no
- 3. beak-like
- 4. sperm whale
- 5. Ross Sea
Good going! You are that much closer to knowing the Squids.
CrashCarson's Anti-Squid Training
Three events to strengthen your ink-filled running shoes. Friday, 6/20, starting @ 12PM PST / 3PM EST
CrashCarson hosts three squid-training exercises. The squids are fast tricksters. Can you beat them or will you become one of them?
- Squid Run
Slither the fastest to the Squid Alarm and signal for more backup squids from the Planet Suckafoo? This is how the squids are bringing in reinforcements. Slither as they do, find their stride for 1 hour only. 12PM PST / 3PM EST
- Run from the Squids!
Reach the protective Red Amber Lamp before being completely inked for 1 hour only. Bring your fastest running shoes, tentacles will not help you win. 2PM PST / 5PM EST
- Rising Furni - Last Habbo Un-inked
Race to fight off the ink stains of the Squids for 2 hours only. Race cautiously, as the minion's have been known to trip unaware Habbos with their tentacles. 5PM PST / 8PM EST
The winner of each game from the 3 events will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after they are all over.
Crash's Ultimate Anti-Squid Challenges
Four events to prove yourself anti-squid worthy. Sunday, 6/22, starting @ 12PM PST / 3PM EST
CrashCarson hosts four anti-squid challenges. The squids have drenched the Hotel in ink. Do you have what it takes to undermine them?
- Falling Furni - Dash for the Tubs
Race to clean off the ink stains of the Squids for 1 hour only. Bring your best wash cloth and bottle of shampoo ready to dash for those bathtubs. 12PM PST / 3PM EST
- Run from the Squids!
Reach the protective Red Amber Lamp before being completely inked for 1 hour only. Bring your fastest running shoes, tentacles will not help you win. 2PM PST / 5PM EST
- Squid Run
Slither the fastest to the Squid Alarm and signal for more backup squids from the Planet Suckafoo? This is how the squids are bringing in reinforcements. Slither as they do, find their stride for 1 hour only. 4PM PST / 7PM EST
- Rising Furni - Last Habbo Un-inked
Race to fight off the ink stains of the Squids for 1 hour only. Race cautiously, as the minion's have been known to trip unaware Habbos with their tentacles. 6PM PST / 9PM EST
The winner of each game from the 4 events will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after they are all over.
Squid Update
In case you've been under a rock, we've been dealing with a situation here.
We are on day #5 of the quest of find the Monolith and aside from a few unforeseen obsticles, all is running quite smoothly. If you haven't joined us yet, there is still time. Although we are over 10,000 strong we need as many Habbos as we can get to help us win this squid invasion. Join the Anti-Squid League now!
While setting up a base for the inevitable squid attack planned for next week, some ASL troops discovered that the Yellow Smoke Machine seems to stun the squid, rendering them immobile. The Orange Fan helps circulate the smoke around the room. Both of these items are currently available in the catalog, but they are selling at a rapid pace. If you have the means, we strongly suggest picking them up. We will all be joining forces to use these items in unison on invasion day next week.
More information and instructions on our plan to defend the Hotel will come tomorrow. However, this information will only be available through our private (members-only) ASL forums... for our own protection.
One more thing. Don't be fooled by Woop1. He may appear to be quiet and nice, but that is part of his manipulation. After all, he was lurking among us for a very long time and we had no clue. We learned that from the great Ninja vs. Samurai battle.
Run From The Squids!
Who can run the fastest to the squid-protective chairs before being left out without protection? Monday, 6/23 @ 2PM PST / 5PM EST
The squids are in ink-force completely dying everyone purple. CrashCarson is back for another race game of Run from the Squids! for 2 hours only.
The winner from each game will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after the event is over.
CrashCarson's Anti-Squid Training II

Three events that continue strengthening your ink-filled running shoes. Tuesday, 6/24, starting @ 12PM PST / 3PM EST
CrashCarson hosts three squid-training exercises. The Hotel is taking steps to fend off these squids, but are you prepared to beat them?
- Rising Furni - Last Habbo Un-inked
Race to fight off the ink stains of the Squids for 1 hour only. Race cautiously, as the minion's have been known to trip unaware Habbos with their tentacles.12PM PST / 3PM EST
- Falling Furni - Dash for the Tubs
Race to clean off the ink stains of the Squids for 1 hour only. Bring your best wash cloth and bottle of shampoo ready to dash for those bathtubs. 2PM PST / 5PM EST
- Squid Run
Slither the fastest to the Squid Alarm and signal for more backup squids from the Planet Suckafoo? This is how the squids are bringing in reinforcements. Slither as they do, find their stride for 2 hours only. 5PM PST / 8PM EST
The winner of each game from the 3 events will receive a Trophy from CrashCarson after they are all over.
They Came from Planet Suckafoo!
A community bound by teamwork. A Hotel surrounded by squids. One mission. De-Ink the Hotel.
De-Day is upon us, Habbos. The great squid attack that we have been trying to prevent for over a week is coming tomorrow!
Although you were successful finding the Black Monolith, witnesses have said that they have seen Woop1 planting Violet Monoliths all over the Hotel.
Despite our best efforts, Woop1 was able to plant over a handful of Violet Monoliths directly in the Anti-Squid League Headquarters rooms. Not shy either, he dropped them right in front of a few ASL officers.
Just a few moments ago, we got out of a staff meeting. We were informed of intelligence that revealed a full blown assault planned for tomorrow at 1:00PM PT.
You know what we say about this? Bring it! We'll be ready for ya.
What have we learned so far?
- 1. The Red Amber Lamp combined with the mood light at the optimal setting, reveals squids in their true form.
- 2. They are afraid of Red Iced Furniture.
- 3. Squid stay clear of Orange Inflatable chairs because their tentacles get stuck to them.
- 4. Smoke from the Yellow Smoke Machine stuns the squid, rendering them immobile.
- 5. Orange Fans help circulate the smoke around the rooms in the Hotel.
- 6. Like Vegas, we struck the jackpot with the new shipment of Windows in the Hotel. What does this have to do with squids? Keep reading.
So what's the plan?
Well, it's not like we haven't been warning you, so this shouldn't be a surprise. The last thing we want is for a herd of Habbos running around the Hotel, panicking - so stay cool. All we have to do is get organized and use what we have learned to our advantage.
So here's the plan - we're gonna blow all the squid into the ocean! The ASL group now has over 12,000 members, which is nothing to sneeze at. With that many Habbos, we should have no problem defeating the squid. But we must work together or we won't pull it off.
Everyone should take your posts in any room of your choosing at 12PM PT tomorrow. If you have any of the items listed above, put them all in one room with at least one window facing West. Under the window, put the Orange Inflatable chair. Setup the Smoke Machine and fan in the center of the room.
Now this next part will be a little tricky and may take some practice. We suggest you work in teams. When the squid come in the door and reaches the Smoke Machine, turn on the fan on low to blow the smoke on them. When they start to stagger, push them into the Inflatable Chair.
At 1PM PT sharp, all Habbos will join forces and turn on their fans! Be sure to open the window first or it will make quite messy.
Tune into Habbo Radio starting at 12:30PM PT for LIVE updates!
Victory Is Ours!
Thanks to you the Hotel is safe again!
It's official. The squid are gone. Thanks to everyone's brave efforts, the squid were blasted from the hotel and into the ocean - just as we planned. Peace reigns in Habbo once again. We're planning a big victory party to celebrate. Stay tuned for updates...
Squid Aftershock

The Ocean is closed due to ink. And, oh yeah, there's a volcano.
Thank you for your brave support and dedication in successfully eliminating the squid from the hotel. Victory is ours, but there have been several aftereffects from blasting so many squid into the ocean at once.
The Habbo Environmental Protection Agency has issued this announcement:
Please stay out of the Ocean. The Ocean is closed due to Ink. (The pool, of course, is fine.)
Ink clean-up crews have been dispatched and the ocean should return to normal shortly.
Some of you may have felt a few aftershocks in the hotel last night. Do not fear, this was not the squid returning, but it's believed that the weight of so many squid hitting the ocean at once, triggered some slight seismic activity, which in turn, activated a distant dormant volcano. Some of you may have even seen puffs of smoke from the volcano floating by your new windows. You can catch a glimpse of the volcano outside the window of some of the staff pages.
The Habbo EPA representatives are on their way to investigate the volcano and would like to assure the Habbo community that although the volcano appears active, it does not pose a serious threat to Habbo Hotel.