Camp Habbo
Camp Habbo | |
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Number of players: | n/a |
Camp Habbo was a event on in 2009.
Habbo Interns

Meet and greet our three new Habbo Interns!
Habbo Staff is a bit overwhelmed with the myriad of events we have planned for the remainder of the Summer. Planning ahead, we hired the best of the best to support us in these efforts! Everyone welcome our three new Habbo Interns...
- INT-tehpepsimaster
- INT-SirDeko
- INT-RightClickin!
These official Habbo Interns can be identified by the 'INT' in front of their name, as well as an exclusive Habbo Intern badge that can be seen in the image.
Camp Habbo Begins

Get your backpacks ready and don't forget an extra pair of underwear...We're going to Camp!
It seems like the summer is going way faster than it should. Those precious couple months of vacation from the usual responsibilities just isn't enough. Habbo Staff feels the same we found out how to maximize the remainder of the summer and go out with a bang. We're going to Camp!
Welcome to Lake Wanabanahabbo, the perfect escape for the rest of summer. All of Habbo is invited to join daily events, games and activities! There's going to be a bunch of prizes to go along with all these plans, so be sure to keep an eye out everyday next week for the new Habbo Camp articles highlighting the previous and current news of the day. Join the Camp Habbo group for wilderness tidbits, updates and details as well!
You should also be familiar with the three new Habbo Interns that joined a few days ago. SmoothCriminal has placed them under a rigorous training regiment since their arrival and will be prepared to host the myriad of events and games to come. Read about the introduction of the three new interns here. Be sure to give them a warm welcome, but be gentle...some are still a little Green to Habbo.
To get Habbo Camp started, we've also added a little something special to the Catalog. You can find the complete furniture lines for Lodge and Grunge available now! There's also an amazing new Lake Wannabanahabbo Background in the Web-Store for your homepages. Perfect for that part of you that loves the outdoors. Along with it, you'll also see several other unique furni items only available at Camp Habbo for a limited time! Check out the Catalog ASAP and be sure to look for the brand new Camp Habbo section.
The new interns are really anxious to meet more Habbos and join the fun
Day 1

The first day of games, with new furni to boot!
With the interns now fully trained in hosting events, it's time to get Camp Habbo started! SmoothCriminal has been tasked with training the three new interns, while teaching them the overall Habbo Way. The events and games will take place at different times throughout the day, but mostly ranging from 3:00pm to 5:00pm PT each day this week. Hosting the games will be the three latest additions to Habbo Staff...the interns! We tried to choose games that can host many players and get many winners. Here's a description of each game and its running time written by INT-SirDeko, INT-RightClickin and INT-tehpepsimaster!
Game: Race In The Forest
Originally designed by SmoothCriminal during the Lost Tribe event, this racing game was my favorite of the selection of games to run. Here's how you play...
- Habbos enter three at a time and line up at the entry of each path.
- Wait until I say 'Go' to start the race.
- First to run to the opposite end and sit on a tree stump wins .
Hope you enjoy the game and see you later! -INT-SirDeko
Game: Anthill Scramble
Why? Well in truth I love anything and everything having to do with bugs and insects. When I heard that CrestHawk ran this game in June I just had to run it.
- 4 Habbos will enter and sit on the Chairs.
- When I say GO you Zig-Zag around each of the Ant Hills in your path. (Meaning if you go to the right of the first one then you must go around the next one on the left.)
- Once you reach the end you must go around the final Hill and make the return trip to your same chair. And don't forget on your return trip you must also Zig-Zag around the Hills...
- The winner is the 1st Habbo to navigate their path correctly and return to their seat. Each winning Habbo will also receive a special prize after the event is over.
Game: Stop The Confusion
This looked like a lot of fun. I saw that the other two already claimed some racing games, but I wanted to try something new. Custom made from CrashCarson is a new teleport game.
Rules: Race to the correct teleport that will stop the confusion.
See you there! -INT-RightClickin
All winners will receive the brand new Camp Habbo Games Badge! (It's the same badge for all games...if you already won a game then please give others a chance!). There's also some new furni added to the Catalog! Take a look and be sure to join the Camp Habbo group to get the latest news and updates from Lake Wanabanahabbo.
Apologies for getting Camp Habbo started so late today. Some last minute training requests pop'd up for the interns and I had to make sure they understood everything. Go easy on them everyone!
Also, please don't wait at the InfoBus park. The InfoBus was the transportation to take everyone to Habbo Camp. Since we already arrived, it's not going anywhere!
Day 2
Did you win a badge yet? Play Camp Habbo games today to get one!
The first day of camp has ended...and plenty left happy with the new Camp Habbo Games badge. The interns are doing their best to get as many people through the games as possible. Unfortunately, Int-RightClickin will be unavailable to host a game today. CrashCarson's giving him a crash-course of some of the elements in running events in games. He's expected to be ready and willing to host events for the remainder of Camp Habbo starting tomorrow! But INT-tehpepsimaster and INT-SirDeko wanted to introduce the times of their games today...
Game Room: Anthill Scramble
Monday was a blast running CrestHawk's Anthill game. So today I am running it again. If you did not win or have not won an Intern hosted game, then come on in! We'll try to get as many winners through as possible...
- 4 Habbos will enter and sit on the Chairs.
- When I say GO you Zig-Zag around each of the Ant Hills in your path. (Meaning if you go to the right of the first one then you must go around the next one on the left.)
- Once you reach the end you must go around the final Hill and make the return trip to your same chair. And don't forget on your return trip you must also Zig-Zag around the Hills...
- The winner is the 1st Habbo to navigate their path correctly and return to their seat. Each winning Habbo will also receive a special prize after the event is over.
Game Room: Race In The Forest
I had a lot of fun hosting my first Habbo event. You can come play the same game today as well. And hopefully things will go much smoother, but please do give others a chance to win. If you already won an Intern hosted game or Camp Habbo Game, please to not rejoin. The prize for all Camp Habbo games is the Camp Habbo Winner Badge. Thanks.
- Habbos enter three at a time and line up at the entry of each path.
- Wait until I say 'Go' to start the race.
- First to run to the opposite end and sit on a tree stump wins.
Hope you enjoy the game and see you later! -INT-SirDeko
It looks like the interns are starting to find their groove in Habbo. We'll see how the rest of the week turns out with some different games we have planned. Be sure to join the Camp Habbo Group to learn the latest details on games, furni and the interns. As I said before, go easy on them everyone!
Also, please don't wait at the InfoBus park. The InfoBus was the transportation to take everyone to Habbo Camp. Since we already arrived, it's not going anywhere!
Day 3
Get recognized for attending Habbo Camp with a FREE sticker!
Camp Habbo continues with Day 3 of events and games. Do you want the recognition of attending the first ever Habbo Camp? You can with this limited edition Camp Habbo Sticker!
How do I get the sticker?
Join the Camp Habbo Group here. By the next day at 12pm PT, you will receive the Camp Habbo Sticker in your Inventory!
Now, onto the Camp Habbo Day 3 games. Remember, please don't join the games if you already received the Camp Habbo Games Badge! The games will be hosted and presented by the three new Habbo Interns...
Game Room: Anthill Scramble
These games are really fun to host...I could get used to this! Same game, different time today. See you there everyone!
- 4 Habbos will enter and sit on the Chairs.
- When I say GO you Zig-Zag around each of the Ant Hills in your path. (Meaning if you go to the right of the first one then you must go around the next one on the left.)
- Once you reach the end you must go around the final Hill and make the return trip to your same chair. And don't forget on your return trip you must also Zig-Zag around the Hills...
- The winner is the 1st Habbo to navigate their path correctly and return to their seat. Each winning Habbo will also receive a special prize after the event is over.
Game Room: Race In The Forest
Thank you for joining my Forest Race game yesterday! I got twice as many winners as before, and hope to get even more today. If you can make the time and don't have the Camp Habbo Games badge, feel free to join!
- Habbos enter three at a time and line up at the entry of each path.
- Wait until I say 'Go' to start the race.
- First to run to the opposite end and sit on a tree stump wins.
Hope you enjoy the game and see you later! -INT-SirDeko
Game Room: Toilet Time Racing
I was super busy yesterday with some additional training. My apologies to everyone who wanted to join my game...but I got a new one! It looks fun, hope you enjoy it!
The initial debut of a fast paced toilet-hopping race. -INT-RightClickin
Don't forget to check out the Camp Habbo furniture available in the Catalog. Get the latest info and updates from the Camp Habbo Group Page as well!
Day 4

A sad day for everyone. An Intern has been found dead...
All of Habbo Staff is requesting a moment of silence in Habbo today, as INT-tehpepsimaster was found dead earlier this morning. From what seems to be a terrible accident, it looks as if the youngest of the three interns was devoured alive by ants.
We presume he was making preparations for his Anthill Scramble game that he'd been hosting for the past few days. Another intern also mentioned that he wanted to change something about the game, which lead to him being out so late at night. It's a tale of bitter irony...INT-tehpepsimaster loved insects and the outdoors. Let's not let this be the dark cloud hovering over the remainder of our Camp Habbo experience. After all, this is the express caution at all times.
INT-SirDeko and INT-RightClickin wanted to still host their games today, in celebration of the time they spent with their fellow intern. Please show them respect during the events...they were perhaps the closest to INT-tehpepsimaster than anyone.
Game Room: Race In The Forest
- Habbos enter three at a time and line up at the entry of each path.
- Wait until I say 'Go' to start the race.
- First to run to the opposite end and sit on a tree stump wins.
Game Room: Big Ben Madness
You're late, you're late for a very important date! Habbos find themselves in Big Ben City racing through the towers of clocks to the finish line. Will you be the lucky 1 of 10 racers to the finish line? Don't forget to wind your watch or you'll find yourself lost in the winding gears of the crazy clock.
Don't forget that you can still join the Camp Habbo group to get a FREE Camp Habbo sticker! Sticker donations will take place before 12pm PT the next day. Be respectful to nature and be safe Habbos!
Day 5

Terror spreads across the Camp. Another Intern is now missing...
SmoothCriminal and INT-RightClickin were having a night just like any other at Camp Habbo. They were suddenly both awoken by screaming and the sound of mayhem. As they extinguished the darkness, it was revealed that INT-SirDeko was gone...all remaining was his slashed up bed and torn red jacket. And what's this green stuff? We're looking into it as you're reading this...
In spite of recent events, we're now under the suspicion that the recent tragedy involving the death of INT-tehpepsimaster might have not been an accident. An investigation is currently being held by Habbo Staff, but in the meantime...we're putting out an message to all in Habbo to search for INT-SirDeko. If you have any information or witness reports that can be used to investigate his disappearance, please send it to [email protected] with the subject line "SirDeko info" and your Habbo name. Sum up your detailed information into a story by Monday, 8/10/09 @ 9am PT...and you will be rewarded with the Camp Habbo Games badge. Only the stories with plausible information regarding his disappearance will be rewarded.
INT-RightClickin was somewhat scared out of his wits during the whole ordeal...but has come to his senses now. He understands his duties as a fully capable Habbo Intern and wishes to run a new game today. Everyone, please be on your guard and EXPRESS CAUTION around Lake Wanabanahabbo.
Game Room: Toilet Time Racing
To be honest, I'm still a little shaken up after what happened last night. Let's just get this over with as fast as possible please...
Don't forget to join the Camp Habbo group to get a FREE sticker! We're all here wishing for your return INT-SirDeko. Please be safe!
Day 6
Games are canceled for today. Intern takes a turn for the worse...
First and foremost, Camp Habbo games have been suspended this week due to the mental health of the one remaining Habbo Intern. INT-RightClickin appeared to be missing for the duration of Monday morning...until sounds of mumbled words and whimpering were heard coming from under his cot in the intern's and SmoothCriminal's camp house.
All attempts to communicate with INT-RightClickin have failed, as he has become mentally unstable...lashing out at anyone who comes within a few feet. "I saw it...I saw it.....It's coming for me too! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Taken from this little bit of information, it's fair to say that all Habbos who remain at Lake Wanabanahabbo should stay indoors until further notice. A staff-led investigation is taking place regarding the disappearance of INT-SirDeko and the death of INT-tehpepsimaster.
We are still going through all the submissions of evidence that Habbos sent in over the weekend. Please give us time to go over the remainder of e-mails, and those who submitted relevant information will be rewarded with the Camp Habbo games badge by tomorrow, 8/11 @ 12pm PT. We will report any and all findings tomorrow.
You can still join the Camp Habbo group to receive the free Camp Habbo sticker and get up to date info at Lake Wanabanahabbo. Please remain calm and be safe!
Day 7

"Someone in this a murderer!"
CrashCarson was taking part in his daily stroll down the beach of Lake Wanabanahabbo this morning. It was a day like any other...the morning dew resting on the trees...sun coming up over the horizon giving the lake a haunting glow. Staring into the distance, he stumbled across something. SmoothCriminal's shoe? As he looked up, CrashCarson found the lifeless body of INT-RightClickin, thrashed and drowned by someone or something. CrashCarson ran screaming to warn the rest of Camp Habbo and Staff and even in all the commotion, SmoothCriminal was nowhere to be found.
Camp Habbo is now a crime scene of murder and mystery. Due to the eyewitness accounts of Habbos over the weekend, it's now known that the death of INT-tehpepsimaster was not an accident. Habbo Staff firmly believes that the murder of INT-RightClickin, INT-tehpepsimaster and disappearance of INT-SirDeko and SmoothCriminal was by the hands of someone...or something roaming the forests of Lake Wanabanahabbo.
How To Stay Safe
There's also some new evidence to support why SmoothCriminal and the Interns were the target of such indescribable acts of cruelty. With the large helping of information provided by Habbos like yourself, it's confirmed that the killer cannot come near a Bulrush Plant! Each room at Camp Habbo was equipped with a Bulrush Plant inside, as they ward off mosquitoes and other harmful insects during the night. SmoothCriminal has had a nasty allergy to the Bulrush Plant his entire life, leaving him and the Interns unknowingly unprotected from insects and murderous intent....
We're giving everyone the tools to help with this investigation by releasing Detective Furni and...the unreleased Bulrush Plant! You can find these rare furniture items on sale in the Catalog under the Camp Habbo section. For a more full description of furniture being added.
Be sure to check out the Camp Habbo group page for more details and information regarding the deaths and disappearances of Interns and Habbo Staff. Please keep SmoothCriminal in your thoughts as we hope for his safe return
Day 8
Solve the mystery of Camp Habbo and win a new badge!
Over the past day there's still been no word from our missing staff member SmoothCriminal or intern SirDeko. We've compiled a list of clues gathered from the previous articles and images about Camp Habbo. It's recommended you search through Day 4 to Day 7 articles related to these series of clues. We're not exactly sure which ones are completely you must select only the CORRECT set of clues from the list of options below. The winners of the poll will receive a special Camp Habbo badge.
Option 1
- Green goo found under tehpepsimaster's bones.
- SirDeko's jacket is found torn up.
- RightClickin claims he "saw it".
- SmoothCriminals shoe is found next to RightClickins body.
Option 2
- Loderse is wearing 3-D glasses.
- SmoothCriminal and RightClickin heard a scream when SirDeko went missing.
- RightClickin got sick the night before he was murdered.
- CrashCarson was swimming in the lake when he found SmoothCriminals shoe.
Option 3
- RightClickin is found dead from ants.
- SirDeko's pillow is found thrashed.
- CrashCarsons coffee was poisoned.
- tehpepsimaster was killed by crows.
Staff member returns and the Camp Habbo killer is revealed!
In a rather dramatic turn of events, SmoothCriminal has been returned to safety thanks to the help of Habbos that figured the correct clues a couple days ago. On his arrival, SmoothCriminal began to describe the mystery of the Camp Habbo killer. After being captured by the villain, he learned much about his plans...and past.
The person responsible for the deaths of two Habbo Interns and terrorizing all of Camp Habbo was non other than...the only surviving intern...SirDeko. Brought into Habbo under the disguise of a new employee, he was brought in to run games and be trained in the Habbo Way. What we didn't know, was that ages ago...SirDeko was in fact a Habbo Staff member. After being removed from the Hotel for undisclosed reasons...he became fueled with rage...and sought vengeance on the Staff. His ideal targets...the people who knew the least about Habbo. The innocent Interns...
Prior to our escape to Camp Habbo, SirDeko collected some mutated Bubble Juice also used on the Monster Plant some time ago. He trapped tehpepsimaster in his own anthill game, exposing the insects to the Bubble Juice...causing them to furiously attack the helpless intern. Later on, he feels the suspicion of his fellow intern, RightClickin. SirDeko consumed the mutated juice giving him a monstrous appearance...later killing RightClickin and kidnaping SmoothCriminal. Unable to attack anyone else due to a violent allergic reaction to the Bulrush Plant, he takes SmoothCriminal into hiding.
Time passes as Habbos put together the clues SirDeko clumsily left behind. SmoothCriminal, still imprisoned from the madman, notices SirDeko having a rough time dealing with the mutated bubble juice. His monstrous size and appearance was beginning to wear, becoming weaker and weaker. As all Habbo Staff knew from previous events, the mutated Bubble Juice wears off. By the time SmoothCriminal was found, SirDeko was an easy target for Habbo authorities.
Here's your chance to the a Camp Habbo Punisher badge! We're still trying to decide how to punish SirDeko for his unforgivable crimes against the Interns. E-mail a clever/funny/witty suggestion to Sulake with the subject line SirDeko Punishment.
This is your last weekend to get any of the furni in the Camp Habbo section of the Catalog before it's gone for a looooooong time. Don't miss out on getting that Bulrush Plant! You can also find the SirDeko Monster sticker in the Web-Catalog for FREE this weekend only!