Le Diner

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Le Diner
Release date: 2009
Rare Values
Value: Habbox Rare Values

The Le Diner is a rare poster released in May 2009 for winning StrayPixels 15 times. It was first showed on their official group page. The poster was given out in a competition in June 2013.[1] It can be considered as super rare since there are only a few of them in the hotel.

Known Examples

Owner Quantity Updated Notes Room - (Clicking link will open room in the client)
FRANC0 8 06-Jan-2023 Active Aloe Auction House
Quest 3 28-Jan-2022 Active # Rare Trade Forum
Jeca-Tatu 1 27-Jul-2021 Active '¶ JECA's OFFICE ¶'
Lampoin 1 30-Jul-2021 Active Le Diner
foxriders 1 9-Sep-2021 Active # -0¥ T H E D U C K M U S E U M ¥™
Saturate 1 15-Jan-2022 Active Parasol Cafe.
Eskimoe 1 28-Jan-2022 Active Teleports Collection
SquidCharmer 1 23-Feb-2022 Active 21+ Oldschool Cool
DurangoHellcat 1 18-Mar-2025 Active Norm Collection Room
chidiva 1 27-Jul-2021 NFS - Thanks for the memories
Adeus 1 18-Mar-2025 NFS The Elysian Fields
,Sam,. 2 20-Sep-2021 Banned Oldschool posters collection room | rareltdbulkcoin
Zh 1 02-Jan-2020 Banned v6
Lewis 2 27-Jul-2021 Inactive the trap house////¬¬
D.R.paz 1 14-Dec-2020 Inactive T R A D E R O O M . Ca
Woman 1 15-Jan-2022 Inactive uhhhh
devil-mouse 1 29-Jul-2021 Inactive µ Cinema µ
Sanniton 1 30-Jul-2021 Inactive Le Diner µ
Jes 1 02-Aug-2020 Inactive
SapphireRainbow 1 27-Dec-2020 Inactive
[2] 1 10-Dec-2020 [2]
Total 32
  1. https://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=780587
  2. a b One owner has requested to stay anonymous (see here for more information)