Habbo Slang
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Habbo has like many other social networking and gaming sites, a slang. This means its hard for a newbie to catch up. We have covered some of the basic below which you might like to learn.
Basic Chat Slang
- AFAIK - As Far As I Know
- AFK - Away From Keyboard/Keys
- ASL - Age, Sex, Location?
- ATM - At The Moment
- BBL - Be Back Later
- BBS - Be Back Soon
- Bobba - A replacement for a swear word
- BRB - Be Right Back
- BS - Bull Crap
- CBA - Can't Be Asked
- CBF - Can't Be Fudged
- CBFA - Can't Be Fudging Asked
- DC - Disconnect
- Disc - Discord
- FO - Fudge Off
- GG - Good Game
- GJ - Good Job
- GTG/G2G - Got To Go
- GTFO - Get The Fudge Off/Get The Fudge Out
- HC - Habbo Club
- Hx - Habbox
- HxF - Habbox Forum
- HxHD - Habbox Help Desk
- HxL - Habbox Live
- HxW - Habbox Wiki
- IDGI - I Don't Get It
- IDK - I Don't Know
- IK - I Know
- IKR - I Know Right
- ILY - I Love You
- IRDK - I Really Don't Know
- IRDGI - I Really Don't Get it
- JK - Just Kidding
- JS - Just Saying
- LOL - Laugh Out Loud
- LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
- LMFAO - Laughing My Fudging Ass Off
- NM - Nothing Much
- Noob/Newb - Newbie
- Norm - Normal (not HC)
- NVM - Never Mind
- MSN/MSM - Messenger
- OK - Okay
- OMD - Oh My Days
- OMFG - Oh My Fudging God
- OMG - Oh My God
- PB - Personal Best
- PMSL - Peeing Myself Laughing
- ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
- SMH - Shake My Head
- SS - So Sorry
- TBF - To Be Fair
- TBH - To Be Honest
- TBPH - To Be Perfectly Honest
- TBQH - To Be Quite Honest
- TY - Thank You
- VIP - Very Important Person
- WB - Welcome Back
- WD - Well Done
- WTF - What The Fudge
- WUU2 - What You Up To?
- YW - You're Welcome
- YVW - You're Very Welcome
Games Slang
- Auto - Pay to win a game regardless of how many players are left
- BB - Battle Ball/Banzai
- Bomb - get rid of all remaining players
- CC - Costume/Cozzie Change
- DHMW - Don't Hit My Wall
- DTTF - Don't Touch The Floor
- DYP - Defend Your Pod
- FF - Fallin' Furni/Fast Food
- NB - Next Bubble
- PC - Players Choice
- PCUL - Players Choice Under Line
- P2K - Pick To Kick
- P2P - Pay To Play
- P2S - Pay To Stay / Pick To Steal (user in PayDay)
- PC - Players Choice
- PCUL - Players Choice Under Line
- Rev - Revenge (Kick a player from game)
- Q# - Question (followed by whichever number)
- SS - SnowStorm (Shuffle)
- STICM - Steal The Ice Cream
- TB - Team Bingo
Trivia/Quiz Slang
- FITB - Fill In The Blank
- FM - Furni Mottos
- FMD - Furni Mottos Drop
- FMI - Furni Mottos In
- FMO - Furni Mottos Out
- FT - Fastest Typer
- FT1W - Fastest Typer 1 Word
- FT1L - Fastest Typer 1 Letter
- GAW - Generate a Word
- GAW# - Generate a Word (# however many letters long)
- GAW1L - Generate a Word (host only gives 1 letter to form the word)
- GK - General Knowledge
- GMC - Generate Many Capitals
- GMPT - Generate Many Periodic Tables
- GMW - Generate Many Words
- GMW No Reps - Generate many Words (no repeated words in the answer)
- GMW# - Generate Many Words (# however many letters long)
- GMW1LP - Generate Many Words (1 letter given by the host for each word)
- GMXA - Generate Many X actor (host gives a number of actors, player has to say what film they've been in)
- GMXAU - Generate Many X Author (host gives a number of authors, player has to say what films they've been in)
- GMXAR - Generate Many X Artist (host gives a number of singers, player has to guess what songs they sung)
- GMXF - Generate Many X Film (host gives a number of films, player has to say who were in the films)
- GMXR - Generate Many X Rapper (host gives a number of rappers, player has to say what songs they've sung)
- GMXS - Generate Many X Singer (host gives a number of songs, player has to guess who sang them)
- GMXT - Generate Many Times Tables
- GTS - Guess The Song
- IFT - Inverted Fastest Typer (type it backwards)
- Maths - Mathematics
- MG - MadGabs
- NTA - Name The Artist
- NTS - Name The Singer
- PT - Periodic Table
- SC - State Capitals
- STB - Stop The Bus
- UNSC - Unscramble
- WC - World Capitals
- XA - X Actor (host gives an actor, player has to say a film they've been in)
- XAR - X Artist (host gives the name of a singer, player has to guess what song they sung)
- XAU - X Author (host gives an author, player has to say a book they've written)
- XF - X Film (host gives a film, player has to guess and actor who was in it)
- XR - X Rapper (host gives the name of a rapper, player has to say a song they've sung)
- XS - X Song (host gives the name of a song, player has to give a name of an artist who's sung it)
- XT - Times Tables
Furni/Trading Slang
- Bronze - Bronze Coin
- C - Credit
- Club - Club Sofa
- Cobbled - Cobbled Path
- Cobbles - Cobble Stones
- Cola - Habbo Cola Machine
- Deal - A discount on a bulk buy of furni
- Dino/Dino Egg - Dragon Egg
- Drag - Dragon
- Eid - Eid Murbarak Poster
- GB - Gold Bar
- Grass - Grass Patch
- (H)CS - (Habbo)Club Sofa
- HCTV - Mega TV Set
- HM - How Much?
- KCB - Kitchen Corner Block(s)
- Lost Tribe - Lost Tribe Patch
- LTD - Limited Edition Rares
- MP - Marketplace
- PB - Platinum Bar
- Pure - HC Sofa (archaic)
- Sand - Tiki Sand Rug
- SC - Silver Coin
- Tele - Teleport (Furni)
- T - Throne
- TS - Throne Sofa
- TWR - Trade When Ready
Shortened Words
- Awk/Awks - Awkward
- Carnie/Carn - Carnival
- Plox/Pls/Plz - Please
- U - You
- Wat - What
- Y - Why