Pixel Artist

Funpark-kunstner or Pixel Artist is a badge on Habbo that was available to those who won the StrayPixels competition 15 times. Its translation means 'Funpark Artist' or 'Pixel Artist' although, it's also known as 'HB Lead Pencil.' It features a purple and white background with a pencil on the foreground to emphasise the point of StrayPixels.
StrayPixels was a monthly competition running from March 2008 - March 2010 before the merge. It has since made three returns with them being July 2010 - September 2011, February 2012 and May 2012.

The badge was accompanied by 9 others including the Golden Pixel, for winning StrayPixels once and the Holy Carp! for winning the competition 5 times. Another one was also created for the 15x winner of StrayPixels - this was in the shape of a fish with a description of 'Somethins IS fishy around here. x15 StrayPixels Winner.' It's name remained as 'test' or sometimes 'HOLY FREAKING CARP' due to it not being used.
Although the Funpark-kunstner badge was created, it was never seen to have been used to due to no user reaching 15 wins. The closest however, was Dragon.Tamer who won 13 times.