Pink vs Black
Pink vs Black | |
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Pink vs Black was a small competition in March 2007 on Habbo United States for the release of Black and rerelease of the Pink Mode furniture.
The competition was between the hotel manager Loderse and the assistant hotel manager Jandelee about which recolor of the Mode line needed to be released in the catalogue.
The following paragraphs are text taken directly from the Habbo articles concerning this event.
Pink vs Black
Help Loderse and Jandelee solve a conflict of furni!
Loderse wants black mode furniture in the catalog and Jandelee insists on pink. Loderse said "black is the best" and Jandelee was like "pink p0wns".
They tried all sorts of things to settle the argument: rock paper scissors, hopscotch, limbo and a coin toss (friendo), but neither would give in.
Determined to make her point, Loderse built a group page for black, then Jandelee built one for pink. Then Loderse put a floor in the Navigator just for Black. So Jandelee built one just for Pink.
Then Jandelee bet Loderse her prized Jade Dragon that by the end of the weekend the Pink floor would have more rooms than the Black floor and Loderse was like "It's on, sister!" And then Jandelee was sorry because she really likes that Dragon.
But there's something even bigger at stake. Right now, both Pink and Black Mode furni are in the catalog but only one can stay. Next Friday, March 14th, 2008, they'll be a poll to see who'll get their way. It's time to choose a side:
Black Mode Furni -- P!nk Mode Furni
In the meantime, campaign like crazy for your color. Join the group, change your clothes, build monuments - anything to show your support. Because once the poll results are in... it'll be a monochromatic Mode world (at least for a little while).
Vote for which color of Mode furni gets to stay in the catalog.
The strife between pink and black is getting way too intense. As much as Loderse wants the black Mode furni and Jandelee wants the pink, they've decided they have to put an end this debate now.
It's going to be a close call. Check out the stats:
There are 5,000 members of the Black Mode Furni Group (correction by Loderse - the Black Mode Group is now UNLIMITED, so join!!) while the Pink Mode Furni group only has 2,104 members - but the room count is a different story. In the Navigator, the Black floor has 1633 rooms and the Pink floor has 1705. Jandelee admits she may have built 40 or 50 rooms herself, but that still puts Pink ahead of the game.
There's only one way to settle this and that's with a web poll.
Cast your vote below and check the catalog next week to see which color won.
Poll Results
3 out of 4 Habbos prefer black Mode furni.
It's been a long drawn out battle of Pink vs Black where both sides showed incredible spirit. In the end, Loderse's campaign to keep black Mode furni in the catalog drastically beat Jandelee's campaign for pink.
The results:
- Black 74.79%
- Pink 25.21%
Name | Badge Description | Image |
Black Team Supporter | Pink vs Black Campaign 07 | ![]() |
Pink Team Supporter | Pink vs Black Campaign 07 | ![]() |
- Pink mode was known for being a side-line of the Mode line under the name Candy