User talk:Yonder

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Hey , nice to see you making contributions on Habbox Wiki! Just a few quick pointers to help you on your way. Firstly, it's great to see that you're using headers - most first time users completely miss them turning the page into a long paragraph - however you need to be careful that the headings don't just cover a sentence or two, ideally several paragraphs should fit under a single heading. In most cases history (unless extremely long) is contained within the first section of the page, and so all of your page could really be contained there except for the past jobs in it's own section. This also helps to keep the layout of pages across the wiki consistent.

A lot of staff bios on the wiki feature a trivia section, for fun we try not to moderate these as much as the rest of the pages and you may find you want to include something similar like on this page.

I hope you enjoy your time on Habbox Wiki :)

Chippiewill (talk) 19:37, 7 November 2012 (GMT)